Picking Andrade as part of a parlay Jordan3399 wins by decision @10.00 Villanova00111 wins inside distance @5.35 Jonah Shiffy wins by TKO/KO @50.99 MagicM wins in round 4,5 or by Dec @7.00 MagicM wins in round 4 @34.00 MagicM wins in round 5 @34.00 Johnny Judo wins by submission @13.00 Johnny Judo wins by sub round 1 @34.00 WallstreetMMA wins by decision @10.00 KhabibTime wins by decision @11.00 BiggleBA wins by TKO/KO @10.60 ns points handicap +5.5 @2.95 UFC Lock wins in round 1/2 @14.75 Chance Wagers wins by decision @10.00 rrw4 wins by TKO/KO @10.50 . points handicap +5.5 @2.95
Parlays with no winner selected Gugabe Picks Under 2.5 rounds @3.00 NOT Fight starts round 3 @4.25 BigZomega Under 2.5 rounds @2.75 Brian Over 2.5 rounds @1.42 Fight starts round 3 @1.36 Johnny Judo Under 2.5 rounds @3.02 Predictions UFC Fight doesn't go the distance @2.75 ScrapCapper Under 2.5 rounds @3.15 BMMA User Under 2.5 rounds @3.15 Brian Fight goes the distance @1.48 Martian MMA Fight ends by (T)KO @5.50 Beach Cop Under 2.5 rounds @2.90 MMAPin MMAPin Under 2.5 rounds @3.00 Dominator MMA Under 2.5 rounds @3.00 MacMMA_ Fight doesn't go the distance @2.75 BMMA User Fight doesn't go the distance @2.75 Crazy MMA Fight goes to decision @1.44 VolumeBets Under 2.5 rounds @2.95 Shawn Bitter Under 2.5 rounds @2.90 BMMA User Fight ends by (T)KO @5.00 SmileATT Under 2.5 rounds @2.75 Bang On Bets Fight doesn't go to decision @2.75 TG Under 2.5 rounds @3.15 Brooks Capka Under 2.5 rounds @3.05 Al Mac Under 2.5 rounds @2.94 . Fight doesn't go to decision @2.60 Al Mac Fight goes to decision @2.50