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Free UFC Betting Tips for Maryna Moroz vs Karine Silva

Maryna Moroz vs Karine Silva takes place at UFC 292 (in Boston, Massachusetts), on 19th Aug 2023
This event is 25 days, 7 hours and 6 minutes away. You can see any predictions our MMA handicappers have on Maryna Moroz vs Karine Silva below. Handicappers with a green circle have made a profit, whilst handicappers with a red circle have made a loss on their MMA betting predictions to date. Hover your mouse over the circle to see their exact unit profit / loss. The closer we get to the event, the more free picks we get in.

Fight Preview: Tale of the tape for Maryna Moroz vs Karine Silva

Fighter A
Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog UFC Fighter Profile Twitter Profile FightMetric Profile Maryna Moroz vs Karine Silva Fighter Record on Sherdog FightMetric Profile
Fight Weight: 125lbs
125lbs Weight 125lbs
67 inches Reach 67 inches
5'7" Height 5'5"
Orthodox Stance Orthodox
33 Age 31
Fighter B
Last Fight: (L). Lost against Joanne Wood Last Fight: (L). Lost against Viviane Araujo

Last 5 fights

Maryna Moroz

Date Opponent   Method Rnd Odds
Mar '24 Scotland Joanne Wood L Split Dec 3 @1.44
Aug '23 Brazil Karine Silva L Sub 1 @2.30
Nov '22 Brazil Jennifer Maia L Decision 3 @1.67
Mar '22 Kazakhstan Mariya Agapova W Sub 2 @2.55
Mar '20 Brazil Mayra Bueno Silva W Decision 3 @2.50
342 days since last fight

Karine Silva

Date Opponent   Method Rnd Odds
Nov '24 Brazil Viviane Araujo L Decision 3 @1.36
Apr '24 Brazil Ariane Lipski W Decision 3 @1.67
Aug '23 Ukraine Maryna Moroz W Sub 1 @1.71
Jun '23 Brazil Ketlen Souza W Sub 1 @1.48
Jun '22 Brazil Poliana Botelho W Sub 1 @1.80
90 days since last fight

Betting on Maryna Moroz vs Karine Silva

More than 50 units profit
0 to 50 units profit
New handicapper
0 to -10 units loss
More than -10 loss

Fighter A Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog UFC Fighter Profile Twitter Profile Maryna Moroz vs Karine Silva Fighter Record on Sherdog
Picking Moroz straight up
TheCouchWarrior 1u lost -1u @2.45
TakeNotesMMA 1.3u lost -1.3u @2.90
Chase Banks 0.6u lost -0.6u @2.38
BreadBetsMMA User 1u lost -1u @2.40
Mr.Blonde 1u lost -1u @2.45
Chaos MMA 1u lost -1u @2.35
Mr.Blonde 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.30
MMA Bet 1u lost -1u @2.35
Swaggy 23 1u lost -1u @2.35
Daniel MOFO 8u lost -8u @2.32
SB 09__ 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.40
Timon 1u lost -1u @2.40
PlumDog Millions 1.13u lost -1.13u @2.42
WillyD 1u lost -1u @2.40
WillyD 1u lost -1u @2.40
RoAmmA Caps 0.75u lost -0.75u @2.45
C 1u lost -1u @2.45
tripwards 0.6u lost -0.6u @2.45
DirtyJermMMA 0.7u lost -0.7u @2.45
DarkHorse MMAus 1u lost -1u @2.40
JS MMA 4u lost -4u @2.54
Brian III 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.45
Dravhy 2u lost -2u @2.65
C 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.65
MmaPropAholic 0.7u lost -0.7u @2.65
tripwards 1.4u lost -1.4u @2.70
Jupiter 13 1u lost -1u @2.60
RoAmmA Caps 0.25u lost -0.25u @2.60
PulseXMMA 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.48
Dillon Bets 0.75u lost -0.75u @2.50
BMMA User 1u lost -1u @2.50
MMA Pickems 1u lost -1u @2.50
Kamikaze Picks 1u lost -1u @2.50
KhabibTime 3u lost -3u @2.49
St3v3Harv3ysBad 1u lost -1u @2.50
Mr.Blonde 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.49
MMAPonzi 2u lost -2u @2.48
Uncle Weezy 1u lost -1u @2.50
Crusader King 1u lost -1u @2.50
TEM MMA User 1u lost -1u @2.50
T Russo 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.46
Martian MMA 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.50
Pats Picks 1u lost -1u @2.45
Geezeweeze 1u lost -1u @2.40
Mr.Blonde 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.44
SubliminalMMA 1u lost -1u @2.50
SR3Betting User 2u lost -2u @2.40
Mr.Blonde 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.43
Primo Bets 1u lost -1u @2.42
MMA Bet 2u lost -2u @2.42
Hammerlock 4u lost -4u @2.40
LucianMMA 1u lost -1u @2.40
zelooperz 0.75u lost -0.75u @2.32
Best Guestimates 0.33u lost -0.33u @2.45
Geezeweeze 1u lost -1u @2.40
B User 2.5u lost -2.5u @2.40
BMMA User 1u lost -1u @2.31
COfactor 2u lost -2u @2.50
Grubz37 1u lost -1u @2.45
Joel MMA 0.75u lost -0.75u @2.55
RonsFightPicks 1u lost -1u @2.40
Evan Montgomery 1u lost -1u @2.31
Davey Locks 1u lost -1u @2.45
MMA Just the Best 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.40
Stacks Props 1.45u lost -1.45u @2.38
Owachim Hansen 2020 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.30
chr1sss 1u lost -1u @2.30
KhabibTime 2u lost -2u @2.30
Pegasus Picks 1u lost -1u @2.65
The Fist 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.32
BMMA User 2.5u lost -2.5u @2.35
Scorp 0.69u lost -0.69u @2.45
TysMMAPicks 1u lost -1u @2.40
Sigh Ops 1u lost -1u @2.30
MacMMA_ 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.38
Huia Bets 1u lost -1u @2.30
Arm N Hammer 5.5u lost -5.5u @2.35
Will Martin 2u lost -2u @2.50
TigerBomb MMA 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.30
Quinn 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.50
Joey Jiu Jitsu 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.25
NS MMA18 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.37
NS MMA18 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.38
Andrew James 1u lost -1u @2.30
El Topo 2u lost -2u @2.30
JHova Tess 1u lost -1u @2.30
Lags 1u lost -1u @2.30
Ray 5u lost -5u @2.20
MMA Betting Mastermind 2u lost -2u @2.25
Tim Crowley 1u lost -1u @2.40
Get_Ya_Cleats 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.30
T Russo 1u lost -1u @2.25
MMA Pickems 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.28
Basil Hazelwood 1u lost -1u @2.25
Mac G 1u lost -1u @2.50
Craig Christ 1u lost -1u @2.25
RoAmmA Caps 0.25u lost -0.25u @2.35
Francis MMA Betting 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.30
hugdeeznuts 0.75u lost -0.75u @2.24
patk... 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.35
Momo 1u lost -1u @2.23
Kungfu Fan 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.25
ncow 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.35
AmazingMachine 5u lost -5u @2.20
GC 🍑 1u lost -1u @2.65
JonnyTrueLove 1u lost -1u @2.35
Austin Swaim 1u lost -1u @2.24
Eli Shiffy 1u lost -1u @2.35
BMMA User 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.30
Volk Love 2u lost -2u @2.35
BMMA User 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.30
MW MMA 1u lost -1u @2.30
DAZ Files 3u lost -3u @2.40
Violence Guy 1.55u lost -1.55u @2.35
Mystic Marco 1u lost -1u @2.10
The Greasy Capper 3u lost -3u @2.20
Hammerlock 1u lost -1u @2.40
BMMA User 3u lost -3u @2.25
AY 2.5u lost -2.5u @2.15
Alexandra Le Yui 1u lost -1u @2.15
AscendantMMA 1u lost -1u @2.30
BMMA User 1.75u lost -1.75u @2.30
Pecos Picks 4u lost -4u @2.19
MMA Empire 1u lost -1u @2.25
Wamrage 1.95u lost -1.95u @2.42
BMMA User 3u lost -3u @2.40
WoodonESPN1000 .... 1u lost -1u @2.25
TheUnder Dog 1u lost -1u @2.30
Jack P 1u lost -1u @2.35
River Don 1u lost -1u @2.20
Markus Ericsen 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.26
FreeFaller 1u lost -1u @2.36
MMAValuePlay 5u lost -5u @2.25
Octagon Invest 3u lost -3u @2.26
BMMA User 1u lost -1u @2.20
Aidank Aidank 1u lost -1u @2.25
Heart Attack Jack 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.32
UBet 1u lost -1u @2.26
Brown Belt Dave 2u lost -2u @2.30
Steiny 1u lost -1u @2.30
Captain Lawrence 2.75u lost -2.75u @2.40
MMA INVESTMENT 11u lost -11u @2.22
VALUE INVESTMENT 11u lost -11u @2.22
BMMA User 1u lost -1u @2.25
Taylor Olander 1u lost -1u @2.25
Grinding Eddie 3u lost -3u @2.25
Gold Standart 2.5u lost -2.5u @2.20
Kiwi MMA 0.75u lost -0.75u @2.30
Enfuego 2u lost -2u @2.20
BigSteve 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.30
Real Deal MMA 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.22
Mooney Bet 3u lost -3u @2.20
BobbyBets Fights 1u lost -1u @2.24
wurtop 3u lost -3u @2.30
Phil Koss 3u lost -3u @2.25
DrStoppage MMA 0.75u lost -0.75u @2.20
Make Urich 3u lost -3u @2.20
BMMA User 1u lost -1u @2.40
Diamond Picks 1u lost -1u @2.28
Prime User 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.14
Illuminati Betting 👁️ 2u lost -2u @2.30
BMMA User 1u lost -1u @2.14
VeggieEats 1.2u lost -1.2u @2.31
gem779 1u lost -1u @2.25
WestCoastCapper 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.25
Chronic Combat 1u lost -1u @2.30
GOLDSTARMMA 1u lost -1u @2.20
JCole MMA 1u lost -1u @2.30
Color_Of_Money 4u lost -4u @2.20
springerD4 1u lost -1u @2.25
Nick Simpkins 3u lost -3u @2.20
Mateus Rigatti 3u lost -3u @2.10
Evan Montgomery 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.15
Brooks Capka 3.5u lost -3.5u @2.70
Color_Of_Money 1u lost -1u @2.10

Picking Moroz as part of a parlay or prop
C Under 2.5 rounds @2.10
Dravhy wins in round 2 @16.00
Dravhy wins in round 3 @21.00
PulseXMMA Under 2.5 rounds @2.10
BreadBetsMMA User wins in round 2 @16.00
BreadBetsMMA User wins in round 3 @21.00
Mr.Blonde wins by decision @4.00
Mr.Blonde wins by decision @3.90
MAJOR MMA wins inside distance @6.00
El Topo wins by sub round 3 @26.00
WillyD wins inside distance @5.00
BMMA User wins (Decision Only) @1.84
SR3Betting User wins inside distance @5.00
BMMA User wins by sub round 3 @26.00
BMMA User wins by sub round 2 @18.00
Bakayoko Over 1.5 rounds @2.90
Huia Bets wins in round 3 @21.00
MMA Just the Best wins by decision @3.60
PulseXMMA wins by submission @8.00
Jupiter 13 wins by submission @14.00
Paul Dal Bets wins in round 3 @20.00
Uncle Weezy wins in round 3 @20.00
Pickled Onion Szn wins in round 3/Dec @3.00
TheCouchWarrior wins (Decision Only) @1.80
TheCouchWarrior wins by (T)KO round 3 @55.99
hqtred wins by decision @3.50
hqtred wins in round 3 @13.00
BMMA User wins in round 2/3 @13.00
Kamikaze Picks wins by sub round 2 @21.00
Kamikaze Picks wins by sub round 3 @29.00
gem779 (scorecards = no action) @3.20
BMMA User wins (Decision Only) @1.80
Aussie FightFan wins by (T)KO round 3 @61.01
St3v3Harv3ysBad wins inside distance @5.00
St3v3Harv3ysBad wins by submission @8.00
DAZ Files wins by submission @7.50
DAZ Files wins by sub round 3 @26.00
MMA Fight Club straight pick @2.30
PulseXMMA wins by (T)KO round 2 @36.00
TysMMAPicks wins in round 3 @20.00
PulseXMMA wins by (T)KO round 3 @61.01
wins by KO/TKO or Decision @3.40
Mitch-Picks MMA wins (Decision Only) @1.88
Wamrage wins in round 3 @19.00
Captain Lawrence straight pick @2.40
Heart Attack Jack wins by sub round 2 @21.00
Heart Attack Jack wins by sub round 3 @25.00
powerplaypickz wins by submission @7.00
powerplaypickz wins by sub round 3 @29.00
powerplaypickz wins by decision @3.65
powerplaypickz wins by sub round 2 @21.00
wins inside distance @5.00
SR3Betting User wins by submission @7.00
Nick B wins by decision @3.65
sewing wins in round 2 @13.00
sewing wins in round 3 @21.00
MMA Bet wins by Sub or Decision @2.70
MMA Bet wins in round 3/Dec @3.64
Louie Gz wins (Decision Only) @1.87
getz00ked wins in round 3 @19.00
getz00ked wins by (T)KO round 3 @55.99
Louie Gz wins in round 2 @12.00
Louie Gz wins in round 3 @19.00
Tonalgregb wins in round 2 @12.00
Tonalgregb wins in round 3 @19.00
Tonalgregb wins (Decision Only) @1.80
MW MMA wins in round 2 @13.00
MW MMA wins in round 3 @21.00
BMMA User straight pick @2.25
NS MMA18 wins in round 3 @23.00
Los Estrada wins by decision @3.65
COfactor wins in round 2 @12.00
COfactor wins in round 3 @19.00
BMMA User wins (Decision Only) @1.80
BMMA User wins by submission @8.00
DirtyJermMMA wins in round 3 @20.00
B Gon wins by Sub or Decision @2.70
B Gon wins in round 2 @13.00
B Gon wins in round 3 @21.00
Tim Crowley wins by submission @7.00
Get_Ya_Cleats wins by sub round 2 @20.00
Get_Ya_Cleats wins by sub round 3 @27.00
VeggieEats wins by decision @3.90
WestCoastCapper wins by Sub or Decision @2.80
KhabibTime wins in round 2 @12.00
KhabibTime wins in round 3 @17.00
Breakin Bookies wins by decision @3.70
Markus Ericsen wins in round 3/Dec @3.15
Markus Ericsen wins by (T)KO round 3 @55.99
Strong and Jacket points handicap +3.5 @1.77
Antilo Capital straight pick @2.05
Color_Of_Money straight pick @2.08  
  Picking Silva straight up
Contrarian Bets 1.8u won 1.2u @1.67
getz00ked 1.5u won 1.1u @1.74
FrenchFries Betting 2u won 1.2u @1.59
Pastacci Picks 2u won 1.3u @1.64
getz00ked 0.5u won 0.3u @1.59
PoundTheLines 1.7u won 1.0u @1.59
mma Gorilla Picks 3u won 1.8u @1.61
Citadel MMA 3u won 1.8u @1.61
John Newquist 10u won 5.9u @1.59
10u won 5.6u @1.56
BMMA User 3.4u won 2.0u @1.59
Picking Spots Taking Shots 1u won 0.6u @1.59
SMESH EVERY1P4P 4u won 2.3u @1.57
SMESH EVERY1P4P 3u won 1.7u @1.57
BIG MARKET 3u won 2.0u @1.67
TOP TEMP PICKS 1u won 0.6u @1.65
BMMA User 1.5u won 1.0u @1.67
Rob Giles 1u won 0.6u @1.64
Pickspicksmma 1.5u won 1.0u @1.65
MMATakes Podcast 1u won 0.7u @1.68
ayemo 1.4u won 1.0u @1.71
Jedi Betting 0.75u won 0.5u @1.66
BMMA User 1.4u won 1.0u @1.71
Godmode StatsBets 1.6u won 1.0u @1.64
StatsAlgo 1.5u won 1.0u @1.67
Biggy Bets 3u won 2.0u @1.67
Jerton Vasconcelos 5u won 3.3u @1.66
BMMA User 1u won 0.7u @1.71
tory 3.1u won 2.3u @1.74
UFC Bro Picks 3u won 1.9u @1.65
Glynn Bot5000 1.5u won 1.0u @1.70
MMAGamblingTips 1.5u won 1.1u @1.71
BMMA User 0.2u won 0.1u @1.30
MMA Jake 2.03u won 1.5u @1.74
MMA Marbu 1.5u won 1.0u @1.66
BMMA User 0.5u won 0.4u @1.72
Joes UFCPicks 5u won 3.5u @1.70
BMMA JerZeyC 1u won 0.8u @1.77
Lukas Holland 1u won 0.7u @1.71
Bet Wit Bean 2u won 1.5u @1.74
bet_2_win_mma 1.3u won 1.0u @1.77
Quadmft 1.8u won 1.4u @1.77
BetBangers 3u won 2.0u @1.67
BMGambling 0.5u won 0.4u @1.74
Ricky Jitsu 1.3u won 1.0u @1.77
Phil Goose 5u won 3.3u @1.67
JewceBet 1.3u won 1.0u @1.77
Jackson Potts 1.42u won 1.0u @1.70
just MMA 1.25u won 1.0u @1.80
3u won 2.3u @1.77
Prince On A Yacht 3u won 2.3u @1.77

Picking Silva as part of a parlay or prop
Mitch’s Picks straight pick @1.59
Fernando Oro straight pick @1.59
Phunky340i straight pick @1.31
Pollack Betting System wins by sub round 2 @10.00
SMESH EVERY1P4P straight pick @1.57
BeefcakePicks straight pick @1.56
mma_n_that straight pick @1.58
Pollack Betting System straight pick @1.62
C wins by sub round 1 @5.75
Phunky340i straight pick @1.67
Pollack Betting System wins by sub round 1 @6.25
Phunky340i wins by submission @3.00
TOP TEMP PICKS straight pick @1.68
Daniel MOFO wins by sub round 1 @7.00
Greb Kered wins by submission @3.25
mma_n_that (scorecards = no action) @1.40
Jardani Wick straight pick @1.65
MMA Fight Club straight pick @1.65
MMA Fight Club straight pick @1.65
MMA Fight Club straight pick @1.65
Jerton Vasconcelos wins inside distance @2.75
Jerton Vasconcelos straight pick @1.66
davi mansour straight pick @1.66
Godmode StatsBets wins by TKO/KO @8.20
Jedi Betting wins by TKO/KO @11.00
blumun 07 straight pick @1.65
Jedi Betting wins in round 1 @5.60
Viljo Sports & Entertainment wins inside distance @2.75
Sweet Bets straight pick @1.67
Phillip V straight pick @1.74
Godmode StatsBets straight pick @1.64
getz00ked wins by submission @3.25
BMMA User wins in round 1 @6.00
GxoR1 straight pick @1.28
Marshoall wins by decision @3.40
Pollack Betting System wins by sub round 1 @6.25
JohnnyKpicks straight pick @1.57
humma Under 2.5 rounds @1.98
Glynn Bot5000 wins by decision @3.50
Glynn Bot5000 straight pick @1.70
Glynn Bot5000 wins by decision @3.75
BMMA User wins (Decision Only) @1.94
Joes UFCPicks wins by submission @3.30
Joes UFCPicks straight pick @1.70
CookiePicksMMA wins by KO/TKO or Sub @2.65
Bet Wit Bean wins inside distance @2.75
Phil Goose straight pick @1.67
HSBMMA wins by sub round 2 @9.00
HSBMMA wins by sub round 1 @6.50
mmapicks 24 wins inside distance @2.60
The Fist straight pick @1.70
Jackson Potts wins by submission @3.25
just MMA straight pick @1.80
Glynn Bot5000 wins by decision @3.50
Rafael Amador straight pick @1.65
Rafael Amador straight pick @1.67
BMMA User wins inside distance @2.65
The Fist wins by sub round 3 @19.00
Parlays and props with no winner selected
SwangNBang Under 2.5 rounds @2.10
Uncle Weezy Under 2.5 rounds @2.10
Ryan’s MMA Picks Under 2.5 rounds @1.87
BMMA User Under 2.5 rounds @2.57
NarcocopMMA Over 2.5 rounds @1.87
Justin Dziedzic Under 2.5 rounds @2.61
Rothbardian Over 2.5 rounds @1.71
PMock-TEWIP Under 2.5 rounds @2.10
Papa Props an Parlays Fight goes to decision @1.83
BMMA User Fight doesn't go to decision @1.90
SwangNBang Under 2.5 rounds @2.00
Pollack Betting System @2.00
Kamikaze Picks Under 2.5 rounds @2.00
Jupiter 13 Fight ends by sub @2.85
Paul Dal Bets Over 2.5 rounds @1.81
ayemo Under 2.5 rounds @2.00
Pickled Onion Szn Over 1.5 rounds @1.41
MuayTyPicks Fight doesn't go the distance @1.87
RonsFightPicks Under 2.5 rounds @2.00
MMA Fight Club Fight doesn't go the distance @1.80
Godmode StatsBets Under 2.5 rounds @2.03
Bkz Under 2.5 rounds @2.05
Brown Belt Dave Under 2.5 rounds @2.00
AllDay MMA Under 2.5 rounds @2.05
Vini Diretasso Fight goes to decision @1.91
Papa Props an Parlays Fight starts round 2 @1.25
sewing Fight doesn't go to decision @1.83
MMA Empire Over 2.5 rounds @1.74
pamu007 Fight starts round 2 @1.24
Alexandra Le Yui Fight doesn't go to decision @1.80
Tonalgregb Fight doesn't go to decision @1.80
NS MMA18 Under 2.5 rounds @2.05
MMAPonzi Under 2.5 rounds @2.03
Taylor Olander Fight doesn't go the distance @1.91
Pollack Betting System Under 2.5 rounds @2.60
BettingSodsman Fight doesn't go to decision @1.95
Michael Villanueva Over 2.5 rounds @1.77
SwangNBang NOT Fight starts round 2 @3.75
JohnnyKpicks Under 2.5 rounds @2.00
COfactor Under 2.5 rounds @2.00
Glynn Bot5000 Fight goes the distance @1.83
Glynn Bot5000 Over 1.5 rounds @1.36
SICKY DOES MMA Under 2.5 rounds @2.00
Gabe YO Under 2.5 rounds @2.10
Rafael Amador Fight doesn't go the distance @1.92
GordoGambles Fight doesn't go to decision @1.83
SRBMMABets Under 2.5 rounds @2.05
B Gon Fight doesn't go to decision @1.83
Tim Crowley Fight ends by sub @2.35
mma tracker Fight goes to decision @1.91
BMMA User Fight doesn't go the distance @1.80
BMMA User Fight doesn't go to decision @1.87
JewceBet Over 2.5 rounds @1.77
Fighting Essentials Fight doesn't go the distance @1.74
Breakin Bookies Over 2.5 rounds @1.83
JCole MMA Under 2.5 rounds @2.10
The Fist Fight goes to decision @2.00
Nick Davis Under 2.5 rounds @2.00
mmahiropicks Under 2.5 rounds @1.95  
Fighter B
@2.30 @1.71

The rest of the UFC 292 card

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