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Fighter Stance Analysis for MMA

This page analyses statistics for fighter stances in MMA (primarily in the UFC). We have not yet logged stances for all fighters in the UFC, so this page will grow with time (I add stances manually when watching fights). Win % statistics are based on fights logged in our system, starting November 2014. UFC Fighter Stance

Basic Stance Statistics - Number of fighters using each stance type

Orthodox: 1211 (71%)
Southpaw: 281 (17%)

Fighters who switch stances: 209 (12%)
Switches (Mostly Orthodox): 109 (6%)
Switches (Mostly Southpaw): 36 (2%)
Switches (Equal Both): 64 (4%)

Note - fighters who switch stances but are predominantly one stance or the other are NOT included in the pure orthodox or southpaw tallies.
Total fighters whose stance we've not yet logged: 5708

Win Percentage in MMA for Orthodox, Southpaw and Switch Stances

Stance Fighters Fights Won Lost Win %
Orthodox 1211 8183 4066 4117 50%
Southpaw 281 2207 1134 1073 51%
Switches Stances (All) 209 1821 1017 804 56%
Switches (Mostly Orthodox) 109 987 562 425 57%
Switches (Mostly Southpaw) 36 370 185 185 50%
Switches (Equal both) 64 464 270 194 58%

*Note. It might look weird that we have an overall win % way over 50%. That's because people in this list have beaten fighters we've not yet logged a stance for. Obviously I've watched more successful fighters than rubbish ones, so I've logged their stances more at this stage! :)

Detailed breakdown of stance vs stance win %

When we have both fighters' stances logged for a particular fight in our system, the results are as follows.

  Fights TKOs Subs Decisions
Orthodox vs Orthodox 2298 715 (31%) 380 (17%) 1182 (51%)
Southpaw vs Southpaw 181 54 (30%) 29 (16%) 96 (53%)
Switch vs Switch 138 44 (32%) 29 (21%) 63 (46%)
Orthodox vs Southpaw 1219 369 (30%) 258 (21%) 578 (47%)
Orthodox vs Switch 1006 346 (34%) 155 (15%) 502 (50%)
Southpaw vs Switch 300 76 (25%) 66 (22%) 157 (52%)
5142 1604 (31%) 917 (18%) 2578 (50%)

Orthodox vs Southpaw Fights TKOs Subs Decisions
Orthodox beat Southpaw 567 (47%) 170 (14%) 129 (11%) 266 (22%)
Southpaw beat Orthodox 633 (52%) 199 (16%) 129 (11%) 303 (25%)

Orthodox vs Switch Fights TKOs Subs Decisions
Orthodox beat Switch 423 (42%) 123 (12%) 67 (7%) 231 (23%)
Switch beat Orthodox 576 (57%) 223 (22%) 88 (9%) 265 (26%)

Switch vs Southpaw Fights TKOs Subs Decisions
Switch beat Southpaw 167 (56%) 49 (16%) 33 (11%) 85 (28%)
Southpaw beat Switch 129 (43%) 27 (9%) 33 (11%) 69 (23%)

Analysis of UFC / MMA fight stance statistics

As you might expect, most fighters in the UFC use an orthodox stance. That's no surprise. The main question you were probably wondering when you found this page: Does being a southpaw give you an advantage in MMA? Well, given that around 10% of the population is stated as being left handed (southpaw), the fact that the UFC has 17% southpaws would suggest it certainly helps! The stats also suggest that southpaws have a higher success rate, with southpaws winning 51% of their fights, as opposed to 50% for orthodox fighters. More interestingly, fighters who switch stances have an even higher success rate than both orthodox and southpaw fighters, with a combined win percentage of 56%
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