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Free UFC Betting Tips for Nathan Maness vs Mateus Mendonca

Nathan Maness vs Mateus Mendonca takes place at UFC Fight Night: Dawson vs. Green (in Las Vegas, Nevada), on 7th Oct 2023
This event is 30 days, 2 hours and 24 minutes away. You can see any predictions our MMA handicappers have on Nathan Maness vs Mateus Mendonca below. Handicappers with a green circle have made a profit, whilst handicappers with a red circle have made a loss on their MMA betting predictions to date. Hover your mouse over the circle to see their exact unit profit / loss. The closer we get to the event, the more free picks we get in.

Fight Preview: Tale of the tape for Nathan Maness vs Mateus Mendonca

Fighter A
Fighter Record on Sherdog FightMetric Profile Nathan Maness vs Mateus Mendonca Fighter Record on Sherdog FightMetric Profile
Fight Weight: 125lbs
125lbs Weight 125lbs
72 inches Reach 71.5 inches
5'10" Height 5'6"
Switches (Equal Both) Stance NA
33 Age 26
Fighter B
Last Fight: (W). Beat Jimmy Flick Last Fight: (W). Beat Luan Matheus

Last 5 fights

Nathan Maness

Date Opponent   Method Rnd Odds
Jun '24 United States Jimmy Flick W Decision 3 @1.17
Oct '23 Brazil Mateus Mendonca W KO/TKO 1 @3.20
Nov '22 Russia Tagir Ulanbekov L Sub 1 @3.11
Jun '22 Russia Umar Nurmagomedov L Decision 3 @8.00
Sep '21 United States Tony Gravely W KO/TKO 2 @2.62
236 days since last fight

Mateus Mendonca

Date Opponent   Method Rnd Odds
Oct '24 Brazil Luan Matheus W Sub 1 @inf
Feb '24 Mexico Jesus Santos Aguilar L Split Dec 3 @1.80
Oct '23 United States Nathan Maness L KO/TKO 1 @1.40
Jan '23 Afghanistan Javid Basharat L Decision 3 @4.20
Sep '22 United States Ashiek Ajim W KO/TKO 1 @1.35
117 days since last fight

Betting on Nathan Maness vs Mateus Mendonca

More than 50 units profit
0 to 50 units profit
New handicapper
0 to -10 units loss
More than -10 loss

Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Nathan Maness vs Mateus Mendonca Fighter Record on Sherdog
Picking Maness straight up
THE MMA MAESTRO 1.5u won 2.6u @2.70
Heart Attack Jack 1u won 1.9u @2.91
RoAmmA Caps 0.25u won 0.6u @3.20
Picking Spots Taking Shots 1u won 2.0u @3.00
FLAMIN ACE 2u won 4.3u @3.15
Kilo G 0.75u won 1.7u @3.20
Brody ArmBar 1.33u won 2.7u @3.00
2u won 4.2u @3.10
Herb Dean The Gold Standard 0.23u won 0.5u @3.10
K Rich 1u won 2.3u @3.30
Lou Betya 0.5u won 0.9u @2.90
TheCouchWarrior 0.5u won 1.1u @3.20
Basil Hazelwood 1u won 2.2u @3.15
Phil Koss 1u won 2.1u @3.10
RLocoMMA Bets 2u won 4.0u @3.00
The Fist 0.5u won 1.1u @3.20
Godmode StatsBets 0.5u won 1.0u @3.00
BettorFight 2u won 4.4u @3.18
Aidank Aidank 1u won 2.0u @2.95
mecha 5u won 10.0u @3.00
Will Chace 1u won 2.2u @3.20
JS MMA 1u won 2.2u @3.15
Z B 0.5u won 1.0u @3.00
MMATakes Podcast 1u won 2.0u @3.05
hugdeeznuts 0.5u won 1.0u @2.98
VALUE INVESTMENT 4.5u won 9.7u @3.15
BMMA User 0.5u won 1.0u @3.00
NOT a Degenerate Gambler 0.25u won 0.5u @2.90
Paul lucidmmapicks 0.5u won 1.0u @3.00
BobbyBets Fights 0.5u won 1.1u @3.10
BettingSodsman 0.75u won 1.5u @3.00
Alexandra Le Yui 1u won 2.0u @3.00
Mr. M 6u won 12.3u @3.05
Prime User 1u won 2.0u @2.95
Nick Davis 1u won 2.0u @3.05
Evan Montgomery 1.5u won 3.3u @3.20
BMMA User 1u won 2.0u @3.00
MMA INVESTMENT 4.5u won 10.4u @3.30
Ayman Elian 1u won 2.1u @3.10
DarkHorse MMAus 1u won 2.1u @3.10
JewceBet 1u won 2.1u @3.10
hqtred 1u won 2.2u @3.15
GuruScoutingMMA 1u won 2.1u @3.10
Chronic Combat 0.5u won 1.1u @3.10
Striker jr 1u won 2.0u @2.95
Mystic Marco 1u won 2.0u @3.00

Picking Maness as part of a parlay or prop
Pegasus Picks points handicap +3.5 @1.80
BMMA User points handicap +3.5 @1.80
BMMA User wins by decision @6.50
Godmode StatsBets wins by decision @5.90
Tim Crowley wins by Sub or Decision @4.50
hqtred wins by TKO/KO @6.00
Evan Montgomery wins by decision @7.00
Evan Montgomery Over 2.5 rounds @2.05
BMMA User points handicap +3.5 @2.15
Phunky340i straight pick @3.18
BreadBetsMMA User wins by (T)KO round 2 @17.00
BreadBetsMMA User wins by (T)KO round 3 @26.00
BreadBetsMMA User wins by decision @6.50
hqtred wins by TKO/KO @6.00
hqtred wins by (T)KO round 1 @12.00
Huia Bets wins in round 3/Dec @5.00  
  Picking Mendonca straight up
Bigbird UFC 3.06u lost -3.06u @1.65
FrenchFries Betting 2u lost -2u @1.65
BMMA JerZeyC 1.15u lost -1.15u @1.56
CPH 609 1u lost -1u @1.38
mma tracker 1.9u lost -1.9u @1.58
Martin Superlolo 5u lost -5u @1.40
BMMA User 2.58u lost -2.58u @1.39
MMAPonzi 3u lost -3u @1.40
Baby Yoda 11u lost -11u @1.41
Ray 5u lost -5u @1.45
Cybil 3u lost -3u @1.45
JH Betting 2u lost -2u @1.50
MMA Gossip Podcast 5u lost -5u @1.42
The prophet plan Z 0.3u lost -0.3u @1.44
John Felder 2.5u lost -2.5u @1.40
Diamond Picks 2.45u lost -2.45u @1.41
Best Fight Picks 2.45u lost -2.45u @1.41
Swaggy 23 2u lost -2u @1.40
mmAlchemy 1u lost -1u @1.34
GoodGuyEddyD 2u lost -2u @1.41

Picking Mendonca as part of a parlay or prop
SB 09__ straight pick @1.40
⭐ Green Bets straight pick @1.40
Swaggy 23 straight pick @1.38
Swaggy 23 straight pick @1.38
⭐ Green Bets straight pick @1.40
Jerton Vasconcelos straight pick @1.40
AllDay MMA straight pick @1.40
B Bets straight pick @1.44
BreadBetsMMA User straight pick @1.38
Bigbird UFC wins by TKO/KO @4.60
PoundTheLines wins in round 1 @4.50
El Topo wins by TKO/KO @3.50
Papa Props an Parlays wins by TKO/KO @2.50
mma tracker wins by TKO/KO @4.60
Chase Banks straight pick @1.44
MMA Bet straight pick @1.43
Baby Yoda wins in round 1 @4.40
PLS Mirror straight pick @1.40
SICKY DOES MMA wins in round 1 @4.00
Kiwi MMA straight pick @1.45
Blue Line wins by submission @8.00
NOT a Degenerate Gambler wins by sub round 1 @19.00
Octagon Invest straight pick @1.42
MMA Pickems wins by submission @10.00
Real Deal MMA straight pick @1.40
KhabibTime wins by submission @9.00
JBK_Picks straight pick @1.41
James Herrick wins inside distance @2.20
P4P Handicapper wins by submission @10.00
MMAKELTON straight pick @1.45
gem779 wins by submission @9.50
MMA Marbu straight pick @1.40
Ceelokstah straight pick @1.43
Ceelokstah straight pick @1.43
davi mansour straight pick @1.40
Jardani Wick straight pick @1.42
VigorishMMA straight pick @1.40
HSBMMA wins by (T)KO round 1 @5.30
HSBMMA wins by (T)KO round 2 @8.00
Jackson Potts points handicap -3.5 @1.69
MMA Fight Club straight pick @1.42
MMA Fight Club straight pick @1.42
EB MMA wins by submission @9.80
JonnyTrueLove straight pick @1.41
MMAPonzi wins by (T)KO round 1 @4.75
Lukas Holland wins in round 1 @4.00
ITLMMA wins by KO/TKO or Sub @2.15
Lukas Holland wins inside distance @2.15
Phunky340i straight pick @1.40
BMMA User wins by KO/TKO or Sub @2.20
Phunky340i straight pick @1.38
MattTheBettor wins by TKO/KO @2.20
BreadBetsMMA User wins in round 1 @4.00
Huia Bets straight pick @1.40
Huia Bets straight pick @1.40
KhabibTime straight pick @1.40
Phil AKA Goose straight pick @1.40
Will Martin straight pick @1.44
Duck Phillips 🦆 wins by submission @9.50
Duck Phillips 🦆 wins inside distance @2.15
The Fist straight pick @1.41
mma king straight pick @1.40
Glassers Picks straight pick @1.44
Parlays and props with no winner selected
MmaPropAholic Under 2.5 rounds @2.40
TheCouchWarrior Under 2.5 rounds @2.30
Uncle Weezy Under 2.5 rounds @2.15
Blue Line Under 2.5 rounds @1.80
Paul Dal Bets Under 2.5 rounds @1.80
Kershy UFC Under 2.5 rounds @1.80
SB 09__ Under 2.5 rounds @1.74
Godmode StatsBets Over 2.5 rounds @1.99
Pickled Onion Szn Under 2.5 rounds @1.80
Daniel MOFO Under 2.5 rounds @1.80
ncow Over 2.5 rounds @2.05
NarcocopMMA Over 2.5 rounds @2.10
GC 🍑 Under 2.5 rounds @2.30
KhabibTime Under 2.5 rounds @1.77
Duck Phillips 🦆 Under 2.5 rounds @1.74
Wags2Riches Under 2.5 rounds @1.77
Herb Dean The Gold Standard Under 2.5 rounds @1.77
⭐ Green Bets Fight doesn't go the distance @1.66
BMMA User Under 2.5 rounds @1.77
PMock-TEWIP Under 2.5 rounds @1.77
Paul lucidmmapicks Fight doesn't go to decision @1.67
Phil Koss Fight doesn't go to decision @1.67
Phil Koss Under 2.5 rounds @1.80
Pickspicksmma Under 2.5 rounds @1.74
TBreezy Bets MMA Under 2.5 rounds @1.74
Evan Under 2.5 rounds @1.77
Mr.Blonde Under 2.5 rounds @1.83
zelooperz Under 2.5 rounds @1.74
Crusader King Under 2.5 rounds @1.74
BigSteve Fight doesn't go to decision @1.61
Tide MMA Fight doesn't go the distance @1.59
Tide MMA Under 1.5 rounds @2.40
Patty Buns Under 2.5 rounds @1.77
Brown Belt Dave Under 2.5 rounds @1.74
DR. Meyer Fight doesn't go the distance @1.56
BettingSodsman Over 2.5 rounds @2.05
Lou Cov Under 2.5 rounds @1.71
Tonalgregb Under 2.5 rounds @1.74
Alexandra Le Yui Fight doesn't go to decision @1.57
MMA Empire Over 2.5 rounds @2.00
Mr. M Under 2.5 rounds @1.80
MMA Bet Under 2.5 rounds @1.75
MuayTyPicks Under 2.5 rounds @1.77
CashThis$lip Fight starts round 3 @1.83
MMA Fight Club Fight doesn't go the distance @1.53
Nick Davis Under 2.5 rounds @1.87
Nick Davis Under 2.5 rounds @1.87
Lukas Holland Under 2.5 rounds @1.77
BMMA User Fight doesn't go to decision @1.61
NS MMA18 Under 2.5 rounds @1.80
Rat King Under 2.5 rounds @1.74
EB MMA Under 2.5 rounds @1.77
Mr_Sando Under 2.5 rounds @2.45
BMMA User Over 1.5 rounds @1.54
Ozzy P Under 2.5 rounds @1.74
Bet Wit Bean Fight doesn't go the distance @1.57
Dravhy Fight doesn't go to decision @1.61
Los Estrada Fight doesn't go the distance @1.67
ct710.eth Fight doesn't go to decision @1.61
Josh Picks Under 2.5 rounds @1.71  
Fighter B
@3.20 @1.40

The rest of the UFC Fight Night: Dawson vs. Green card

Free betting tips on UFC Fight Night: Dawson vs. Green
Event statistics for UFC Fight Night: Dawson vs. Green

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