Bet MMA - MMA Betting Picks


MMA Handicapper Directory
Total MMA Handicappers: 6923
Profitable MMA Handicappers: 2486


Event Summary

Show: Show Duplicates

Bellator 253

Uncasville; 19th Nov 2020

Favourite wins: 7
Underdog wins: 1
$10 on all favourites nets: $16.62
$10 on all underdogs nets: $-45.60

Total Fight Time: 01:31:59 (Hours:Mins:Seconds)
Average Fight Time: 10:13 (Mins:Seconds)

MMA Handicapper Performance for Bellator 253

Fighter A Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog Darrion Caldwell vs A.J. McKee Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: A.J. McKee won by submission at 1:11 of round 1
Picking Caldwell straight up
JS MMA 1u lost -1u @2.70
Georgy Makarov 2u lost -2u @2.82
MMATechie 1u lost -1u @2.95
Von Flue Choke 1u lost -1u @3.50
Fight Night Bets 1.5u lost -1.5u @3.50 3u lost -3u @3.20
Miller UFC 1u lost -1u @3.75
Lock of the Night 0.5u lost -0.5u @3.65
K1llusoftly 0.5u lost -0.5u @3.60
Jonah Shiffy 1u lost -1u @3.58
COfactor 1u lost -1u @2.75
Gugabe Picks 0.5u lost -0.5u @3.65
DIRTYMITTENMMA 0.5u lost -0.5u @3.50
meh meh 1u lost -1u @3.74
Dimitri Sped 1u lost -1u @3.60
. 2u lost -2u @3.65
Lotos MMA 1u lost -1u @3.65
Ron DaRousey 2u lost -2u @3.65
TG 0.5u lost -0.5u @3.65
T Russo 1u lost -1u @3.55

Picking Caldwell as part of a parlay
Fight Night Bets wins inside distance @6.00
Poopypicks wins by decision @5.67  
  Picking McKee straight up
Pig Lord 2u won 1.0u @1.49
PaperPicks 5u won 2.3u @1.45
MickiMalist 5u won 2.4u @1.47
The Late Night Tip 5u won 2.3u @1.47
Chicken Nuggetz 11u won 5.1u @1.47
Қызыл күн 3u won 1.4u @1.47
DarkHorse MMAus 2u won 0.9u @1.44
Onslaught 125 4u won 2.0u @1.50
0.8u won 0.4u @1.44
2u won 1.0u @1.50
ValueBets 11u won 4.7u @1.43
UsmanKap Kobe 2u won 0.7u @1.36
11u won 5.2u @1.48
Mb Bets 5.6u won 2.0u @1.36
SashaBets 0.25u won 0.1u @1.42

Picking McKee as part of a parlay
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.31
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.31
Poopypicks straight pick @1.54
UFC789 straight pick @1.45
UsmanKap Kobe straight pick @1.44
UsmanKap Kobe straight pick @1.44
Oracle MMA Picks straight pick @1.43
KhabibTime straight pick @1.47
UFC789 straight pick @1.45
Proposition MMA wins by TKO/KO @8.50
The Late Night Tip straight pick @1.35
SubliminalMMA straight pick @1.31
Will Martin straight pick @1.36
MagicM wins inside distance @2.87
BMMA User straight pick @1.30
xxxxxx straight pick @1.28
Crazy MMA straight pick @1.28
Lotos MMA wins by submission @4.25
Pro MMA Betting straight pick @1.40
Thick Rhomboid Picks straight pick @1.43
BMMA User straight pick @1.43
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.31
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.31
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.31
Wamrage wins inside distance @2.50
Nick theUser straight pick @1.33
BMMA User straight pick @1.33
Nick theUser straight pick @1.33
TMM wins inside distance @2.85
Mousasis Jab at Predictions straight pick @1.45
TBender MMA straight pick @1.31
TBender MMA straight pick @1.31
iakamber wins in round 1 @7.50
hugdeeznuts straight pick @1.35
iakamber wins in round 2 @10.00
iakamber wins in round 3 @13.00
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.31
BMMA User straight pick @1.30
SharpGame straight pick @1.38
Parlays with no winner selected
Aaron Watershow Under 4.5 rounds @1.91
Georgy Makarov Fight doesn't go to decision @2.15
Proposition MMA Under 4.5 rounds @2.30
Marlo Stanfield TBE Fight doesn't go to decision @2.20
Muddy Oracle Fight doesn't go to decision @2.15
Ron DaRousey NOT Fight starts round 5 @2.70
Ron DaRousey Fight doesn't go to decision @2.15
Island Fight Club Fight doesn't go to decision @2.15
MagicM Fight doesn't go to decision @2.10
MMA WAGERS Under 4.5 rounds @2.20
MMA WAGERS Under 1.5 rounds @5.50
Gugabe Picks Fight doesn't go to decision @2.15
Andrew Gombas MMA Betting Under 4.5 rounds @2.05
Lotos MMA Fight doesn't go to decision @2.15
MMAKELTON Fight doesn't go to decision @2.10
Wamrage Fight doesn't go to decision @1.95
TMM NOT Fight starts round 5 @2.70
iakamber NOT Fight starts round 5 @2.70
Miller UFC Fight doesn't go to decision @1.95
Fighter B
@3.31 @1.39
Fighter A Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog UFC Fighter Profile Benson Henderson vs Jason Jackson Fighter Record on Sherdog UFC Fighter Profile
Result: Jason Jackson won by decision
Picking Henderson straight up
Andrew Gombas MMA Betting 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.55
Chicken Nuggetz 3.5u lost -3.5u @2.70
Georgy Makarov 2u lost -2u @2.82
ValueBets 11u lost -11u @2.64
Pats Picks 1u lost -1u @2.55
UsmanKap Kobe 1u lost -1u @2.50
Fight Night Bets 3u lost -3u @2.50
Alexandra Le Yui 1u lost -1u @2.60
Visceral MMA 2u lost -2u @2.60
MMA WAGERS 0.4u lost -0.4u @2.60
UFCProfit 10u lost -10u @2.46
MMA Star 1u lost -1u @2.50
Snake MMA 2.5u lost -2.5u @2.55
Lotos MMA 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.55
Breakin Bookies 1u lost -1u @2.60
Nick theUser 0.325u lost -0.325u @2.60
hugdeeznuts 1.17u lost -1.17u @2.55
Ozzy P 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.60
T Russo 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.50

Picking Henderson as part of a parlay
Proposition MMA wins by submission @6.00
Poopypicks wins by decision @3.35
wins inside distance @6.75
Fight Night Bets wins inside distance @6.00
Trotman straight pick @2.35  
  Picking Jackson straight up
DarkHorse MMAus 1u won 0.5u @1.49
WarriorBetMMA 2.5u won 1.4u @1.56
Pumba MMA 2.5u won 1.4u @1.54
greezy 1u won 0.6u @1.57
11u won 5.9u @1.54
MikesMMAPicks 1.5u won 0.8u @1.54
intuitive picks 11u won 6.4u @1.58
B Kap 5u won 2.9u @1.57
Dimitri Sped 1.7u won 1.0u @1.59
Combat Cast 5u won 3.0u @1.60
MMA Kasangguni 1u won 0.6u @1.57
Wamrage 2u won 1.1u @1.57
BMMA User 11u won 6.3u @1.57
WillyD 3u won 1.7u @1.57
KhabibTime 2.25u won 1.3u @1.57
Sparring With Reality 2u won 1.2u @1.59
BMMA User 1u won 0.6u @1.56

Picking Jackson as part of a parlay
Quinn wins by decision @2.20
points handicap +3.5 @1.74
UsmanKap Kobe straight pick @2.50
Ron DaRousey points handicap +3.5 @1.65
Ron DaRousey (scorecards = no action) @2.55
Ezekiel (betsndat) straight pick @1.57
meh meh straight pick @1.61
BMMA User straight pick @1.56
BMMA User straight pick @1.56
BMMA User straight pick @1.56
BMMA User straight pick @1.57
BMMA User straight pick @1.57
TBender MMA straight pick @1.56
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.57
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.57
SharpGame straight pick @1.56
Parlays with no winner selected
MMA WAGERS Over 2.5 rounds @1.34
Dogs And Kisses Fight goes to decision @1.40
Visceral MMA Under 2.5 rounds @3.40
MMA BETS & PREDICTIONS Fight goes to decision @1.38
Fighter B
@2.61 @1.57
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Joey Davis vs Bobby Lee Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Joey Davis won by decision
Picking Davis straight up
Dimitri Sped 7.5u won 2.0u @1.27
DarkHorse MMAus 2u won 0.6u @1.31
Chicken Nuggetz 11u won 3.5u @1.32
11u won 2.8u @1.25
MegaMindPicks - MMA 🥊🥋 1u won 0.2u @1.21
xxxxxx 3u won 0.6u @1.20
Visceral MMA 3u won 0.6u @1.21
Crazy MMA 10u won 1.8u @1.18
SashaBets 1u won 0.3u @1.26

Picking Davis as part of a parlay
White MMA straight pick @1.18
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.21
Poopypicks straight pick @1.25
Risky UFC straight pick @1.27
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.30
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.30
UFC789 straight pick @1.28
KEM95 straight pick @1.27
Dimitri Sped straight pick @1.27
UsmanKap Kobe straight pick @1.27
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.25
BC Bets straight pick @1.18
UFC789 straight pick @1.28
Alex MMA straight pick @1.20
SubliminalMMA straight pick @1.20
Will Martin straight pick @1.25
B Kap straight pick @1.21
B Kap straight pick @1.21
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.25
BMMA User straight pick @1.21
KEM95 straight pick @1.20
KEM95 straight pick @1.22
xxxxxx straight pick @1.20
Visceral MMA straight pick @1.21
Brent Sutterr straight pick @1.23
DarkHorse MMAus straight pick @1.22
Lotos MMA wins in round 2 @7.00
Lotos MMA wins in round 3 @13.00
Lotos MMA wins by submission @10.00
ncow straight pick @1.24
BMMA User straight pick @1.36
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.21
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.21
Crazy MMA straight pick @1.18
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.21
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.21
Trotman wins inside distance @1.83
Breakin Bookies straight pick @1.20
Wamrage straight pick @1.20
Capper MMA straight pick @1.25
Nick theUser straight pick @1.22
Nick theUser straight pick @1.22
Mousasis Jab at Predictions straight pick @1.25
TBender MMA straight pick @1.20
TBender MMA straight pick @1.20
TBender MMA straight pick @1.20
hugdeeznuts straight pick @1.20
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.20
wolfbetsMMA straight pick @1.22
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.20
SharpGame straight pick @1.20
SharpGame straight pick @1.20  
  Picking Lee straight up
Pumba MMA 0.5u lost -0.5u @4.80
UFCProfit 10u lost -10u @5.00
T Russo 0.5u lost -0.5u @4.50
Parlays with no winner selected
Pats Picks NOT Fight starts round 3 @1.87
Pumba MMA Fight doesn't go to decision @1.48
WarriorBetMMA Fight doesn't go to decision @1.49
KhabibTime Fight doesn't go to decision @1.47
Fighter B
@1.24 @4.63
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Keith Lee vs Raufeon Stots Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Raufeon Stots won by decision
Picking Lee straight up
DarkHorse MMAus 1u lost -1u @3.40
Muddy Oracle 5u lost -5u @3.75
AimRank 3u lost -3u @3.20
Gox1 3u lost -3u @3.20 1.5u lost -1.5u @3.40
Pig Lord 0.5u lost -0.5u @3.76
MagicM 4u lost -4u @3.40
KhabibTime 0.75u lost -0.75u @3.50
Ron DaRousey 1.5u lost -1.5u @3.50
hugdeeznuts 0.4u lost -0.4u @3.20
KEM95 0.5u lost -0.5u @3.45
. 1.2u lost -1.2u @3.40
Lotos MMA 1u lost -1u @2.90
Snake MMA 1u lost -1u @2.90
k1ggan 0.3u lost -0.3u @3.25
Wamrage 1.5u lost -1.5u @3.40
Capper MMA 0.1u lost -0.1u @3.00
TMM 4u lost -4u @3.40

Picking Lee as part of a parlay
wins by decision @5.60
Lotos MMA wins by decision @5.00
WillyD wins by decision @5.50  
  Picking Stots straight up
Chicken Nuggetz 11u won 3.8u @1.34
0.1u won 0.0u @1.31
KneeOnBelly 2.5u won 1.1u @1.45
xxxxxx 3u won 1.2u @1.38
Visceral MMA 3u won 1.2u @1.38
ValueBets 11u won 5.0u @1.45
MMA WAGERS 3u won 1.4u @1.47
Ozzy P 2.15u won 1.0u @1.47

Picking Stots as part of a parlay
DIRTYMITTENMMA straight pick @1.31
BC Bets straight pick @1.31
Alex MMA straight pick @1.31
sexxy betty straight pick @1.28
Pumba MMA wins by decision @1.83
Pumba MMA straight pick @1.36
xxxxxx straight pick @1.38
Visceral MMA straight pick @1.38
BMMA User straight pick @1.43
BMMA User straight pick @1.43
Breakin Bookies straight pick @1.47
Nick theUser straight pick @1.43
Nick theUser straight pick @1.43
Mousasis Jab at Predictions straight pick @1.44
TBender MMA straight pick @1.43
TBender MMA straight pick @1.43
TBender MMA straight pick @1.43
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.31
Parlays with no winner selected
Visceral MMA Over 2.5 rounds @1.40
Dogs And Kisses Fight goes to decision @1.45
MMA BETS & PREDICTIONS Fight goes to decision @1.48
Fighter B
@3.63 @1.33
Fighter A Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog UFC Fighter Profile Jeremy Kennedy vs Matt Bessette Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog UFC Fighter Profile
Result: Jeremy Kennedy won by decision
Picking Kennedy straight up
Chicken Nuggetz 11u won 2.8u @1.26
0.8u won 0.2u @1.24
MarseTeufel 5u won 1.1u @1.22
Von Flue Choke 5u won 1.1u @1.22
0.1u won 0.0u @1.25
MegaMindPicks - MMA 🥊🥋 1u won 0.3u @1.33
Crazy MMA 10u won 2.2u @1.22
Bang On Bets 6u won 1.3u @1.22
SashaBets 1u won 0.2u @1.23
Vlad James 4.5u won 1.0u @1.22

Picking Kennedy as part of a parlay
White MMA straight pick @1.25
Poopypicks straight pick @1.25
UsmanKap Kobe straight pick @1.25
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.25
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.25
Oracle MMA Picks straight pick @1.24
John Schubert straight pick @1.27
DIRTYMITTENMMA straight pick @1.22
Von Flue Choke straight pick @1.22
AimRank straight pick @1.28
Gox1 straight pick @1.28
B Kap straight pick @1.22
Pumba MMA straight pick @1.22
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.25
KEM95 straight pick @1.22
Pig Lord straight pick @1.23
Pig Lord straight pick @1.23
meh meh straight pick @1.21
Thick Rhomboid Picks straight pick @1.22
ncow straight pick @1.24
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.22
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.22
BMMA User straight pick @1.22
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.22
Crazy MMA straight pick @1.22
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.22
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.22
Wamrage straight pick @1.22
Nick theUser straight pick @1.19
Nick theUser straight pick @1.19
Mousasis Jab at Predictions straight pick @1.25
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.22
SharpGame straight pick @1.25  
  Picking Bessette straight up
ValueBets 11u lost -11u @4.48
Fighter B
@1.23 @4.50
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Jaleel Willis vs Mark Lemminger Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Jaleel Willis won by decision
Picking Willis straight up
Chicken Nuggetz 5u won 2.6u @1.53
ValueBets 11u won 5.5u @1.50
11u won 5.4u @1.49
MegaMindPicks - MMA 🥊🥋 1u won 0.5u @1.50  
  Picking Lemminger straight up
MMAPREDICTIONGURU 1u lost -1u @2.90
Fight Night Bets 0.8u lost -0.8u @2.60
AimRank 3.5u lost -3.5u @2.50
Gox1 3.5u lost -3.5u @2.50
B Kap 2.5u lost -2.5u @2.60
MMA WAGERS 0.4u lost -0.4u @2.75
UFCProfit 10u lost -10u @2.76
Aggro Sport 11u lost -11u @2.75
Snake MMA 1u lost -1u @2.75
ncow 0.75u lost -0.75u @2.70
Bang On Bets 6u lost -6u @2.71
Lucrative MMA 1u lost -1u @2.65
SashaBets 0.25u lost -0.25u @2.80
Fighter B
@1.50 @2.90
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog J.J. Wilson vs Sergio de Bari Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: J.J. Wilson won by KO / TKO at 0:20 of round 1
Picking Wilson straight up
Chicken Nuggetz 11u won 3.2u @1.29
11u won 3.1u @1.29
xxxxxx 2u won 0.4u @1.22
Crazy MMA 10u won 2.2u @1.22
Dimitri Sped 4u won 1.0u @1.25
SashaBets 1u won 0.3u @1.27

Picking Wilson as part of a parlay
Risky UFC straight pick @1.29
Dimitri Sped straight pick @1.29
BC Bets straight pick @1.28
sexxy betty straight pick @1.25
White MMA straight pick @1.27
SubliminalMMA straight pick @1.25
MMAPREDICTIONGURU straight pick @1.25
B Kap straight pick @1.25
B Kap straight pick @1.24
KEM95 straight pick @1.25
xxxxxx straight pick @1.22
DarkHorse MMAus straight pick @1.24
Ezekiel (betsndat) straight pick @1.20
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.25
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.25
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.25
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.25
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.25
Trotman straight pick @1.22
Breakin Bookies straight pick @1.20
Capper MMA straight pick @1.29
Nick theUser straight pick @1.15
Nick theUser straight pick @1.15
Mousasis Jab at Predictions straight pick @1.30
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.25
wolfbetsMMA straight pick @1.25
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.25
SharpGame straight pick @1.25  
Fighter B
@inf @inf
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Kevin Ferguson Jr vs Kaheem Murray Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Kaheem Murray won by decision
Picking Ferguson Jr straight up
Chicken Nuggetz 11u lost -11u @1.34
0.1u lost -0.1u @1.36
MegaMindPicks - MMA 🥊🥋 1u lost -1u @1.37

Picking Ferguson Jr as part of a parlay
Risky UFC straight pick @1.31
Dimitri Sped straight pick @1.31
sexxy betty straight pick @1.36
B Kap straight pick @1.38
BMMA User straight pick @1.33
Breakin Bookies straight pick @1.36
Nick theUser straight pick @1.35
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.36
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.36  
  Picking Murray straight up
SharpGame 0.2u won 0.5u @3.75
MMAPREDICTIONGURU 0.5u won 1.3u @3.50
MMA WAGERS 0.25u won 0.6u @3.60
ValueBets 11u won 28.6u @3.60
Trotman 1u won 2.4u @3.40
Fighter B
@1.36 @3.44
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Sullivan Cauley vs Jason Markland Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Sullivan Cauley won by KO / TKO at 0:28 of round 1
Picking Cauley straight up
MegaMindPicks - MMA 🥊🥋 1u won 0.4u @1.38
KneeOnBelly 2u won 1.0u @1.50
Chicken Nuggetz 11u won 4.8u @1.43
0.1u won 0.0u @1.33
Bang On Bets 6u won 1.7u @1.29

Picking Cauley as part of a parlay
MMAPREDICTIONGURU straight pick @1.36
Crazy MMA straight pick @1.33
ncow straight pick @1.30
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.36
BMMA User straight pick @1.29
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.36
Crazy MMA straight pick @1.29
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.36
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.36
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.36
Breakin Bookies straight pick @1.27
Wamrage straight pick @1.27
Capper MMA straight pick @1.36
Nick theUser straight pick @1.25
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.36
Lucrative MMA straight pick @1.36  
Fighter B
@1.40 @2.90

Overall bet winnings / losses for Bellator 253

Handicapper Picks Right Units Bet Units Won ROI %  
SashaBets 5 4 3.5 0.6 18%
Ron DaRousey 6 3 12.5 2.7 22%
Fight Night Bets 5 0 5.7 -5.7 -100%
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1 1 1.1 0.6 56%
Muddy Oracle 2 1 10.0 0.7 7%
MagicM 3 2 8.0 2.3 29%
B Kap 4 2 20.3 -0.7 -3%
Lucrative MMA 4 1 7.5 -1.4 -19%
KhabibTime 4 2 6.8 0.9 14%
Gugabe Picks 2 1 1.0 0.1 7%
Ozzy P 2 1 3.4 -0.3 -7%
Thick Rhomboid Picks 1 1 2.0 1.5 74%
Andrew Gombas MMA Betting 2 1 2.5 0.1 3%
1 0 0.1 -0.1 -100%
WarriorBetMMA 3 2 7.0 -1.5 -22%
MarseTeufel 1 1 5.0 1.1 22%
Oracle MMA Picks 1 1 5.0 3.9 77%
SubliminalMMA 1 1 2.0 1.9 97%
ncow 2 1 1.8 0.3 15%
meh meh 2 1 2.5 0.4 17%
ValueBets 6 4 66.0 21.8 33%
Sparring With Reality 1 1 2.0 1.2 59%
SharpGame 4 4 4.8 3.6 75%
Bang On Bets 3 2 18.0 -2.9 -16%
Georgy Makarov 3 1 5.0 -2.9 -57%
DarkHorse MMAus 5 4 10.0 3.0 30%
Mousasis Jab at Predictions 2 2 8.0 8.1 101%
Dogs And Kisses 2 2 5.5 2.4 43%
MikesMMAPicks 2 2 1.9 1.0 54%
Lotos MMA 9 2 9.5 -0.9 -10%
Island Fight Club 1 1 1.0 1.1 115%
Alexandra Le Yui 1 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
iakamber 4 2 3.1 5.8 190%
Lock of the Night 1 0 0.5 -0.5 -100%
KEM95 2 1 1.0 -0.1 -8%
Wamrage 5 4 7.0 3.7 53%
MMA WAGERS 21 19 8.8 4.9 56%
9 8 55.4 22.4 40%
Breakin Bookies 3 1 4.4 0.0 0%
KneeOnBelly 2 2 4.5 2.1 47%
AimRank 2 0 6.5 -6.5 -100%
T Russo 3 0 3.0 -3.0 -100%
MMATechie 1 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
Combat Cast 1 1 5.0 3.0 60%
Vlad James 1 1 4.5 1.0 22%
BC Bets 1 1 3.0 2.9 97%
Capper MMA 2 1 5.6 6.5 115%
Alex MMA 1 1 2.5 1.4 56%
TBender MMA 3 3 4.0 3.9 99%
sexxy betty 1 0 2.0 -2.0 -100%
Gox1 2 0 6.5 -6.5 -100%
Risky UFC 1 0 1.8 -1.8 -100%
Proposition MMA 3 1 4.0 0.6 15%
intuitive picks 1 1 11.0 6.4 58%
1 1 2.0 1.0 50%
MegaMindPicks - MMA 🥊🥋 5 4 5.0 0.4 9%
UsmanKap Kobe 4 3 4.3 1.0 23%
2 0 4.5 -4.5 -100%
Onslaught 125 1 1 4.0 2.0 50%
Ezekiel (betsndat) 1 1 1.5 1.3 88%
Trotman 2 1 1.5 1.9 127%
Dimitri Sped 5 3 16.0 1.2 8%
k1ggan 1 0 0.3 -0.3 -100%
Snake MMA 3 0 4.5 -4.5 -100%
BMMA User 1 1 5.0 2.9 57%
hugdeeznuts 3 1 4.3 0.1 3%
MickiMalist 1 1 5.0 2.4 47%
BMMA User 3 2 5.0 1.7 33%
K1llusoftly 1 0 0.5 -0.5 -100%
Mb Bets 1 1 5.6 2.0 36%
greezy 1 1 1.0 0.6 57%
Von Flue Choke 2 1 6.0 0.1 2%
Poopypicks 4 1 5.0 -0.2 -4%
WillyD 2 1 3.3 1.5 45%
Miller UFC 2 1 2.5 0.4 17%
JS MMA 2 0 2.0 -2.0 -100%
The Late Night Tip 1 1 5.0 2.3 47%
Қызыл күн 1 1 3.0 1.4 47%
BMMA User 1 1 1.0 0.6 56%
Pats Picks 2 0 3.0 -3.0 -100%
PaperPicks 1 1 5.0 2.3 45%
COfactor 1 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
Nick theUser 4 2 2.9 1.6 54%
MMA Star 1 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
MMAKELTON 1 1 2.0 2.2 110%
White MMA 1 1 5.0 4.4 88%
Chicken Nuggetz 9 7 85.5 11.4 13%
xxxxxx 4 4 9.0 3.8 42%
Quinn 1 1 1.0 1.2 120%
Visceral MMA 6 4 13.0 0.9 7%
DIRTYMITTENMMA 2 1 2.5 0.7 28%
UFCProfit 3 0 30.0 -30.0 -100%
Crazy MMA 5 5 35.2 10.2 29%
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