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MMA Handicapper Directory
Total MMA Handicappers: 6905
Profitable MMA Handicappers: 2466


VIP Help

This page explains some of the VIP features. If you have any questions, DM me on twitter.

Star ratings: For fight metric stats and fighter opponent quality, we have a ratings system from 0.5 to 5 stars (including half stars), calculated as follows:
Taking e.g. significant strikes landed per minute, we order all fighters from best to worst, then the top 10% are allocated 5 stars, the next 10% get 4.5 stars etc. Looking at the example below, you can see the benefits of this system by looking at striking defense. 41% striking defense vs 64% striking defense doesn't really mean a lot.... I mean, you can see that one is better than the other.... but when you see that one is in the bottom 10% of all fighters and one is in the top 20% of all fighters, that makes the distinction clear.

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