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Free UFC Betting Tips for Cedric Doumbe vs Baissangour Chamsoudinov

Cedric Doumbe vs Baissangour Chamsoudinov takes place at PFL Europe 1: 2024 Regular Season (in Paris), on 7th Mar 2024
This event is 9 days, 12 hours and 6 minutes away. You can see any predictions our MMA handicappers have on Cedric Doumbe vs Baissangour Chamsoudinov below. Handicappers with a green circle have made a profit, whilst handicappers with a red circle have made a loss on their MMA betting predictions to date. Hover your mouse over the circle to see their exact unit profit / loss. The closer we get to the event, the more free picks we get in.

Fight Preview: Tale of the tape for Cedric Doumbe vs Baissangour Chamsoudinov

Fighter A
Fighter Record on Sherdog Cedric Doumbe vs Baissangour Chamsoudinov Fighter Record on Sherdog
Fight Weight: 170lbs
170lbs Weight 170lbs
NA inches Reach NA inches
NA Height NA
32 Age 23
Fighter B
Last Fight: (W). Beat Jaleel Willis Last Fight: (W). Beat Cedric Doumbe

Last 5 fights

Cedric Doumbe

Date Opponent   Method Rnd Odds
May '24 United States Jaleel Willis W KO/TKO 1 @1.21
Mar '24 France Baissangour Chamsoudinov L KO/TKO 3 @1.68
Sep '23 France Jordan Zebo W KO/TKO 0 @1.53
276 days since last fight

Baissangour Chamsoudinov

Date Opponent   Method Rnd Odds
Mar '24 France Cedric Doumbe W KO/TKO 3 @2.30
Jun '23 United States Efrain Escudero W KO/TKO 2 @1.18
Jan '23 Brazil Alexander Mikael W Decision 3 @1.12
347 days since last fight

Betting on Cedric Doumbe vs Baissangour Chamsoudinov

More than 50 units profit
0 to 50 units profit
New handicapper
0 to -10 units loss
More than -10 loss

Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Cedric Doumbe vs Baissangour Chamsoudinov Fighter Record on Sherdog
Picking Doumbe straight up
WBB Betting 3.4u lost -3.4u @1.74
LCM 1u lost -1u @2.10
Grateful_Dude 1.2u lost -1.2u @1.83
Z B 2u lost -2u @1.87
J$ MMA 3u lost -3u @1.91
J$ MMA 1u lost -1u @2.00
BMMA User 1u lost -1u @2.05
Clay Bets 2u lost -2u @1.85
jagarthur 2u lost -2u @2.14
mma_n_that 1u lost -1u @1.86
JH Betting 3u lost -3u @2.10
SB 09__ 1u lost -1u @2.10
MMAnalyst 00 1u lost -1u @1.87
GC 🍑 1u lost -1u @2.36
BMMA User 1u lost -1u @1.93
P4P Handicapper 1u lost -1u @2.05
Phunky340i 3u lost -3u @1.85
Lewis Simpson 3u lost -3u @1.66
Fernando Oro 5u lost -5u @1.77
Osva Kong 3u lost -3u @1.67

Picking Doumbe as part of a parlay or prop
Trying To Stay Afloat wins by TKO/KO @3.30
MMAnalyst 00 straight pick @2.15
L AND K MMA straight pick @1.66
Lewis Simpson straight pick @1.66
SB 09__ wins by TKO/KO @2.70
J$ MMA wins by TKO/KO @2.90  
  Picking Chamsoudinov straight up
Jackson Potts 7u won 4.8u @1.69
LucianMMA 9u won 6.9u @1.77
FrenchFries Betting 1.4u won 1.0u @1.71
Mr.Blonde 0.88u won 0.8u @1.95
Mr.Blonde 0.96u won 0.8u @1.87
Daniel MOFO 3u won 3.8u @2.25
BMMA User 1u won 1.1u @2.05
Oil Check 2u won 2.1u @2.05
VB MMA Picks 1.5u won 1.6u @2.05
weouthere 3u won 3.0u @2.00
RoAmmA Caps 0.25u won 0.3u @2.25
Will Martin 2u won 2.5u @2.25
Ray 5u won 4.6u @1.91
Hammer Bets MMA 3.3u won 3.0u @1.91
Chaos MMA 2u won 1.8u @1.91
Quadmft 1.5u won 1.9u @2.25
Main Street Bets 0.5u won 0.4u @1.87
Dog Money 1.05u won 1.0u @1.95
SubliminalMMA 1u won 1.3u @2.25
MMA Bet 2u won 2.2u @2.08
MMA Bet 0.25u won 0.3u @2.08
Color_Of_Money 1.5u won 1.4u @1.93
Heart Attack Jack 1.25u won 1.1u @1.87
Sando 3u won 3.1u @2.04
⭐ Green Bets 3u won 3.8u @2.25
BMMA User 7u won 8.8u @2.25
BMMA User 7u won 8.8u @2.25
Piezo 1.5u won 1.0u @1.69
SirHanceAlot 2u won 2.0u @1.98
Sawbuck MMAtips 1.3u won 1.3u @2.02
Ceelokstah 1.5u won 1.2u @1.77
BMMA JerZeyC 0.5u won 0.5u @2.06
Mandalorian_MMA User 2u won 2.2u @2.10
Grayson 2u won 1.6u @1.80
Scott BMMA 1.13u won 1.4u @2.20
BMMA User 1.13u won 1.0u @1.88
Diamond Picks 0.5u won 0.4u @1.87
BMMA User 1.5u won 1.2u @1.80
Scott BMMA 0.5u won 0.6u @2.25
Los Estrada 2u won 2.3u @2.15
Keeran 2u won 1.6u @1.80
Ceelokstah 1u won 0.8u @1.80
Nick Davis 1.5u won 1.1u @1.74
3rdBestMJ 0.5u won 0.5u @2.05
HoonsCrank 3u won 3.2u @2.05
DirtyJermMMA 1u won 1.1u @2.15
Wags2Riches 0.9u won 0.9u @2.00
amig 2u won 2.0u @2.00
3u won 2.9u @1.95
Viljo Sports & Entertainment 1u won 1.2u @2.20
MW MMA 1.5u won 2.0u @2.30
B Bets 0.6u won 0.7u @2.20
just MMA 1u won 1.2u @2.20
c0wb0y Betting 1.34u won 1.5u @2.12
c0wb0y Betting 1.45u won 1.4u @1.98
Game Bets 2u won 2.8u @2.40
The Prophet Cowboy 1u won 1.1u @2.12
Kvothe MMA 2u won 2.4u @2.20
NS MMA18 3u won 3.6u @2.20
B User 1.5u won 1.8u @2.20
FrenchFries Betting 1u won 1.2u @2.20
Habe betz 1u won 1.1u @2.10
COfactor 1.7u won 1.9u @2.14
Jackson Potts 3u won 3.6u @2.20
Joey Jiu Jitsu 1u won 1.2u @2.20
MMAPonzi 5u won 5.3u @2.06
sewing 1.04u won 1.0u @1.96
The Fist 0.5u won 0.6u @2.14
Dynamiczny Wariacik 3u won 5.2u @2.75
MuayTyPicks 1.25u won 1.4u @2.15

Picking Chamsoudinov as part of a parlay or prop
Ray straight pick @1.80
Nick Davis straight pick @1.74
Habe betz wins by Sub or Decision @3.10
Habe betz Fight starts round 2 @1.55
c0wb0y Betting wins by decision @5.20
The Fist wins by sub round 2 @21.00
Parlays and props with no winner selected
Mr.Blonde Over 1.5 rounds @2.45
VB MMA Picks Fight goes the distance @3.50
Quadmft Fight goes the distance @2.95
PickemMMA Over 1.5 rounds @2.35
BMMA User Over 1.5 rounds @1.77
BMMA User Fight goes the distance @2.95
NS MMA18 Over 1.5 rounds @1.80
VB MMA Picks Fight starts round 2 @1.57
c0wb0y Betting Fight goes the distance @3.00  
Fighter B
@1.68 @2.30

The rest of the PFL Europe 1: 2024 Regular Season card

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