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Free UFC Betting Tips for Magomed Gadzhiyasulov vs Jose Daniel Medina

Magomed Gadzhiyasulov vs Jose Daniel Medina takes place at Contender Series 2023: Week 9 (in Las Vegas, Nevada), on 3rd Oct 2023
This event is 11 days, 2 hours and 7 minutes away. You can see any predictions our MMA handicappers have on Magomed Gadzhiyasulov vs Jose Daniel Medina below. Handicappers with a green circle have made a profit, whilst handicappers with a red circle have made a loss on their MMA betting predictions to date. Hover your mouse over the circle to see their exact unit profit / loss. The closer we get to the event, the more free picks we get in.

Fight Preview: Tale of the tape for Magomed Gadzhiyasulov vs Jose Daniel Medina

Fighter A
Fighter Record on Sherdog Magomed Gadzhiyasulov vs Jose Daniel Medina Fighter Record on Sherdog FightMetric Profile
Fight Weight: 205lbs
205lbs Weight 185lbs
NA inches Reach NA inches
6'3" Height NA
31 Age 33
Fighter B
Last Fight: (L). Lost against Bruno Lopes Last Fight: (L). Lost against Zachary Reese

Last 5 fights

Magomed Gadzhiyasulov

Date Opponent   Method Rnd Odds
Jan '25 Brazil Bruno Lopes L Decision 3 @1.36
Jun '24 Brazil Brendson Ribeiro W Split Dec 3 @1.30
Oct '23 Bolivia Jose Daniel Medina W Decision 3 @inf
Oct '22 Algeria Mohamed Said Maalem W Decision 3 @inf
35 days since last fight

Jose Daniel Medina

Date Opponent   Method Rnd Odds
Aug '24 United States Zachary Reese L Decision 3 @7.00
Oct '23 Bahrain Magomed Gadzhiyasulov L Decision 3 @inf
175 days since last fight

Betting on Magomed Gadzhiyasulov vs Jose Daniel Medina

More than 50 units profit
0 to 50 units profit
New handicapper
0 to -10 units loss
More than -10 loss

Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Magomed Gadzhiyasulov vs Jose Daniel Medina Fighter Record on Sherdog
Picking Gadzhiyasulov straight up
Meta 11u won 2.0u @1.18
John Newquist 5u won 0.6u @1.12
LucianMMA 11u won 1.4u @1.12
just MMA 4.5u won 0.5u @1.11
avitaly User 1u won 0.1u @1.09
P4P Handicapper 10u won 1.1u @1.11
8u won 1.0u @1.12
ConsigliereMMA 2u won 0.2u @1.11

Picking Gadzhiyasulov as part of a parlay or prop
VB MMA Picks wins in round 2 @6.00
Fenian Army straight pick @1.12
LucianMMA straight pick @1.12
FLAMIN ACE straight pick @1.12
BreadBetsMMA User straight pick @1.12
MattTheBettor straight pick @1.12
SB 09__ straight pick @1.12
Zygraa straight pick @1.12
B C straight pick @1.12
Bigbird UFC wins by TKO/KO @1.80
tripwards wins in round 1 @1.80
TheCouchWarrior wins by TKO/KO @1.80
Mateus Rigatti straight pick @1.12
Fenian Army wins inside distance @1.27
Fenian Army wins inside distance @1.27
avitaly User straight pick @1.09
BMMA JerZeyC straight pick @1.12
zelooperz wins by TKO/KO @1.57
Ceelokstah wins by decision @6.50
Grateful_Dude wins by submission @4.50
Pickspicksmma straight pick @1.10
Pickspicksmma straight pick @1.11
Grateful_Dude straight pick @1.11
John Schubert wins inside distance @1.33
SB 09__ wins by decision @4.20
Fernando Oro wins by KO/TKO or Sub @1.33
MMA Fight Club wins inside distance @1.25
Noel’sMMAbets wins inside distance @1.25
VB MMA Picks wins by submission @6.00
FLAMIN ACE straight pick @1.09
Sigh Ops wins by submission @6.00
MMA Jake straight pick @1.10
just MMA wins inside distance @1.29
just MMA wins in round 1 @1.72
Davey Locks wins by TKO/KO @1.44
GordoGambles points handicap -3.5 @1.17
MMA Bet wins by KO/TKO or Decision @1.31
Joes UFCPicks wins by TKO/KO @1.56
EB MMA wins by submission @4.75
EB MMA wins by sub round 1 @7.00
WBB Betting straight pick @1.11
EB MMA wins by sub round 2 @21.00
Heart Attack Jack straight pick @1.10
Pepe Silvia wins by submission @4.50
Louie Gz straight pick @1.11
Louie Gz wins by decision @7.50
BreadBetsMMA User wins by submission @6.50
The Fist wins by submission @5.50
Louie Gz wins in round 3 @12.00
Lunchbox wins inside distance @1.30
Jackson Potts points handicap -3.5 @1.18
Chrisoligy MMA wins by submission @5.20
Quadmft wins by submission @5.60
mma tracker wins by TKO/KO @1.67
Quadmft wins in round 2 @5.50
Los Estrada straight pick @1.11  
  Picking Daniel Medina straight up
Glassers Picks 1u lost -1u @7.50
MMA Fight Club 0.15u lost -0.15u @8.50

Picking Daniel Medina as part of a parlay or prop
Ray wins in round 1 @15.00
MMA Fight Club wins inside distance @13.00
MMA Bet wins by KO/TKO or Decision @13.00
Parlays and props with no winner selected
NarcocopMMA Under 1.5 rounds @1.80
c0wb0y Betting Over 1.5 rounds @2.22
Dravhy Under 1.5 rounds @1.69
VB MMA Picks Under 1.5 rounds @1.57
Quadmft Under 1.5 rounds @1.48
Ray Over 1.5 rounds @2.70
RoAmmA Caps Under 1.5 rounds @1.48
TOP NOTCH SPORTS Under 1.5 rounds @1.50
Ceelokstah Over 1.5 rounds @2.50
Under 1.5 rounds @1.56
Pickspicksmma Under 1.5 rounds @1.71
TheCouchWarrior Under 1.5 rounds @1.71
MMA Fight Club Under 2.5 rounds @1.22
ITLMMA Fight doesn't go the distance @1.25
tripwards Under 1.5 rounds @1.80
MMA Fight Club Under 1.5 rounds @1.53
MMA Fight Club Under 1.5 rounds @1.53
MMA Fight Club Over 1.5 rounds @2.60
COfactor Under 1.5 rounds @1.77
HSBMMA Under 1.5 rounds @1.80
420MMApicks Under 1.5 rounds @1.80
Lunchbox Under 1.5 rounds @1.67
JonnyTrueLove Under 2.5 rounds @1.32
Panda Plays Under 1.5 rounds @1.53
MMAPonzi Under 2.5 rounds @1.30
SICKY DOES MMA Under 1.5 rounds @1.67
MMA Bet Fight doesn't go the distance @1.25
EB MMA Under 1.5 rounds @1.71
EB MMA Under 1.5 rounds @1.71
FLAMIN ACE Fight doesn't go to decision @1.25
Glewy Under 1.5 rounds @1.71
Glynn Bot5000 Under 1.5 rounds @1.62
Glynn Bot5000 Under 1.5 rounds @1.62
Glynn Bot5000 Under 1.5 rounds @1.62
sewing Under 1.5 rounds @1.67
Glynn Bot5000 Under 1.5 rounds @1.62
Davey Jones Over 1.5 rounds @2.20
Chrisoligy MMA Under 1.5 rounds @1.63
Louie Gz Under 1.5 rounds @1.69
Chrisoligy MMA Under 1.5 rounds @1.63
mma tracker Under 1.5 rounds @1.77
WestCoastCapper Fight doesn't go the distance @1.24  
Fighter B
@inf @inf

The rest of the Contender Series 2023: Week 9 card

Free betting tips on Contender Series 2023: Week 9
Event statistics for Contender Series 2023: Week 9

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