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Free UFC Betting Tips for Lucas Rocha vs Matheus da Silva

Lucas Rocha vs Matheus da Silva takes place at LFA 159 (in São Paulo), on 27th May 2023
This event is 12 days, 13 hours and 45 minutes away. You can see any predictions our MMA handicappers have on Lucas Rocha vs Matheus da Silva below. Handicappers with a green circle have made a profit, whilst handicappers with a red circle have made a loss on their MMA betting predictions to date. Hover your mouse over the circle to see their exact unit profit / loss. The closer we get to the event, the more free picks we get in.

Fight Preview: Tale of the tape for Lucas Rocha vs Matheus da Silva

Fighter A
Fighter Record on Sherdog FightMetric Profile Lucas Rocha vs Matheus da Silva Fighter Record on Sherdog
Fight Weight: 125lbs
125lbs Weight 125lbs
NA inches Reach NA inches
5'2" Height NA
24 Age 27
Fighter B
Last Fight: (L). Lost against Clayton Carpenter Last Fight: (L). Lost against Lucas Rocha

Last 5 fights

Lucas Rocha

Date Opponent   Method Rnd Odds
Oct '24 United States Clayton Carpenter L Sub 2 @3.05
Oct '23 Brazil Davi Costa W KO/TKO 2 @inf
May '23 Brazil Matheus da Silva W Decision 3 @1.83
120 days since last fight

Matheus da Silva

Date Opponent   Method Rnd Odds
May '23 Brazil Lucas Rocha L Decision 3 @1.91
624 days since last fight

Betting on Lucas Rocha vs Matheus da Silva

More than 50 units profit
0 to 50 units profit
New handicapper
0 to -10 units loss
More than -10 loss

Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Lucas Rocha vs Matheus da Silva Fighter Record on Sherdog
Picking Rocha straight up
Emperor Palpatine 1u won 0.6u @1.61
Jackson Potts 1.43u won 1.0u @1.70
Evan Montgomery 1u won 0.7u @1.71
Ray 10u won 6.7u @1.67
SaoriOshimaFan 4u won 2.5u @1.63
c0wb0y Betting 1.6u won 1.0u @1.61  
  Picking da Silva straight up
tripwards 0.8u lost -0.8u @2.60
WBB Betting 1u lost -1u @2.20
VB MMA Picks 1u lost -1u @2.30
ncow 1u lost -1u @2.10
BMMA_Poo User 1u lost -1u @2.10
KhabibTime 1.1u lost -1.1u @2.20
MMA Bet 2.75u lost -2.75u @2.41
Mr.Blonde 2.3u lost -2.3u @2.30
TakeNotesMMA 0.6u lost -0.6u @2.70
Sket MMA 1u lost -1u @2.65
NarcocopMMA 1u lost -1u @2.65

Picking da Silva as part of a parlay or prop
BMMA_Poo User straight pick @2.10
Fighter B
@1.83 @1.91

The rest of the LFA 159 card

Free betting tips on LFA 159
Event statistics for LFA 159

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