MMA Fight Betting |
UFC Fight Night - Boetsch vs. HendersonNew Orleans, USA 2015-06-06 23:00:00
Key |
Bookmaker Odds |
Weighted Crowd Prediction |
Bookmaker Favourite |
Raw Picks |
Your Prediction |
Crowd Weighted Pick |
Crowd Prediction |
Your Confidence |
Your Pick |
Value Pick |
#9 |
Pick Rating |
@2.22 |
No Unit Bet Suggested (Insufficient Predictions) |
@1.79 |
$10 Bet Profit:
$7.9 |
#9 Ranked $7.69 Bet Profit: $6.08 |
#9 Ranked $4.62 Value Bet Profit: $3.65 |
What our top predictors (rankings at the time of the event) said |
What our top predictors (current rankings) said |