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Total MMA Handicappers: 6945
Profitable MMA Handicappers: 2483


Event Summary

Show: Show Duplicates

Oktagon 57

Frankfurt; 4th May 2024

Favourite wins: 8
Underdog wins: 2
$10 on all favourites nets: $23.12
$10 on all underdogs nets: $-40.48

Total Fight Time: 02:05:48 (Hours:Mins:Seconds)
Average Fight Time: 12:34 (Mins:Seconds)

MMA Handicapper Performance for Oktagon 57

Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Christian Eckerlin vs Miroslav Brož Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Christian Eckerlin won by KO / TKO at 4:49 of round 2
Picking Eckerlin straight up
Lucky Locks 1u won 0.7u @1.69
VB MMA Picks 1.5u won 1.0u @1.67
Quadmft 1.5u won 1.0u @1.67
Le Ghost 1.5u won 1.0u @1.67
Dirty Degen 1.5u won 1.0u @1.67
BMMA User 10u won 6.7u @1.67
Balboa 2u won 1.2u @1.61
J$ MMA 2u won 1.1u @1.54
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1u won 0.6u @1.61
ProfitPicksMMA 1.63u won 1.0u @1.61
Kee 3.5u won 2.1u @1.61
Reach Combat 2u won 1.0u @1.50
MC ☘️ 2.04u won 1.0u @1.49
Bakayoko 0.5u won 0.2u @1.50

Picking Eckerlin as part of a parlay
BMMA User straight pick @1.67
VB MMA Picks straight pick @1.53
Le Ghost straight pick @1.58
Game Bets straight pick @1.57
BigSteve straight pick @1.53
SubliminalMMA straight pick @1.50
straight pick @1.50
KEM95 straight pick @1.49
Saiyan Trades straight pick @1.47
J$ MMA straight pick @1.50  
  Picking Brož straight up
MMA Ricky 1u lost -1u @2.25
ProdiigyBets 1u lost -1u @2.15
C 2u lost -2u @2.35
Ray 10u lost -10u @2.20
Talon 1.6u lost -1.6u @2.40
Sando 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.30
KimuraCapper 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.50
MMAPonzi 4u lost -4u @2.50
Enfuego 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.80
B C 0.8u lost -0.8u @2.50

Picking Brož as part of a parlay
Talon straight pick @2.30
Fighter B
@1.50 @2.50
Fighter A Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog Losene Keita vs Agy Sardari Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Losene Keita won by decision
Picking Keita straight up
SashaBets 1u won 0.1u @1.11
Aussie Parlay King 👑 84% ML💰 24% ROI Parlay 0.5u won 0.1u @1.10

Picking Keita as part of a parlay
LSVBETMACHINE straight pick @1.12
SB 09__ straight pick @1.15
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.15
Bakayoko straight pick @1.14
Sando straight pick @1.12
freaky ting straight pick @1.15
freaky ting straight pick @1.14
BMMA JerZeyC straight pick @1.15
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.15
Will Martin straight pick @1.14
Game Bets straight pick @1.13
NS MMA18 straight pick @1.12
Le Ghost straight pick @1.14
Sando straight pick @1.12
⭐ Green Bets straight pick @1.14
Betting Bobo straight pick @1.08
Game Bets straight pick @1.13
straight pick @1.08
J$ MMA straight pick @1.11
B C straight pick @1.10  
  Picking Sardari straight up
Smart Capper 0.5u lost -0.5u @5.00
Dirty Degen 0.2u lost -0.2u @6.00
💰🍯 Jack Attack MMA 🍯💰 1u lost -1u @5.75
Fighter B
@1.10 @6.00
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Pavol Langer vs Marc Doussis Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Pavol Langer won by KO / TKO at 4:6 of round 1
Picking Langer straight up
Ceelokstah 1u won 0.7u @1.74
Dirty Degen 0.5u won 0.6u @2.20
Mr.Blonde 1.04u won 0.8u @1.80
MMA Bet 0.5u won 0.4u @1.72
RunlikeGod 1u won 0.7u @1.71
Gabriela 69 1u won 0.7u @1.74
Lock of the Night 5u won 3.4u @1.69
Wags2Riches 1.4u won 1.0u @1.71
THE MMA MAESTRO 2u won 1.4u @1.68
Ray 10u won 7.2u @1.72
Mateus Rigatti 1u won 0.8u @1.76  
  Picking Doussis straight up
Smart Capper 2u lost -2u @2.40
Game Bets 2.2u lost -2.2u @2.40
Juicehead Turkey 2.96u lost -2.96u @2.40
ProdiigyBets 1u lost -1u @2.33
Lucky Locks 1u lost -1u @2.30
VB MMA Picks 1u lost -1u @2.33
Le Ghost 1u lost -1u @2.30
Quadmft 0.98u lost -0.98u @2.40
Negative EV Betting Systems 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.04
Mandalorian_MMA User 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.10
0.1u lost -0.1u @2.35
NS MMA18 1u lost -1u @2.38
Talon 1u lost -1u @2.15
J$ MMA 1u lost -1u @2.10
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1u lost -1u @2.40
MMAPonzi 4u lost -4u @1.90
Enfuego 1u lost -1u @2.00

Picking Doussis as part of a parlay
Talon straight pick @2.40
Fighter B
@1.72 @2.05
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Mate Sanikidze vs Farbod Iran Nezhad Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Farbod Iran Nezhad won by decision
Picking Sanikidze straight up
Martin Superlolo 5u lost -5u @1.22
Aussie Parlay King 👑 84% ML💰 24% ROI Parlay 1u lost -1u @1.22
Reach Combat 2u lost -2u @1.26

Picking Sanikidze as part of a parlay
SB 09__ straight pick @1.22
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.22
Bad MMA Bets straight pick @1.24
Game Bets straight pick @1.22
Sando straight pick @1.20
⭐ Green Bets straight pick @1.25
Juicehead Turkey straight pick @1.22
J$ MMA straight pick @1.20
B C straight pick @1.22
J$ MMA straight pick @1.20  
  Picking Iran Nezhad straight up
1u won 3.3u @4.25
Fighter B
@1.22 @4.00
Fighter A Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog Louis Glismann vs Lukasz Siwiec Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Louis Glismann won by decision
Picking Glismann straight up
Smart Capper 1.45u won 1.0u @1.69
Talon 1u won 0.7u @1.69
J$ MMA 2u won 1.3u @1.63
Lock of the Night 1.55u won 1.0u @1.65
ncow 2u won 1.3u @1.65
1.5u won 1.0u @1.67
Game Bets 2.5u won 1.6u @1.62
Pig Lord 2u won 1.3u @1.63
Reach Combat 2u won 1.3u @1.67
MC ☘️ 1.59u won 1.0u @1.63
MMAPonzi 3u won 1.9u @1.62
Enfuego 1.5u won 1.0u @1.67

Picking Glismann as part of a parlay
💰🍯 Jack Attack MMA 🍯💰 straight pick @1.57  
  Picking Siwiec straight up
VB MMA Picks 1.4u lost -1.4u @2.35
Le Ghost 1.4u lost -1.4u @2.60
Quadmft 1.38u lost -1.38u @2.60
Mandalorian_MMA User 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.20
Violence Guy 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.45
Juicehead Turkey 2.02u lost -2.02u @2.30
NS MMA18 1u lost -1u @2.30
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1u lost -1u @2.30
Fighter B
@1.57 @2.30
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Islam Khapilaev vs Matous Kohout Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Matous Kohout won by decision
Picking Khapilaev straight up
Juicehead Turkey 2.05u lost -2.05u @2.10
Ceelokstah 1u lost -1u @2.00
Talon 2.6u lost -2.6u @2.10
ProdiigyBets 1.3u lost -1.3u @1.77
VB MMA Picks 1u lost -1u @2.20
Le Ghost 1u lost -1u @2.20
Quadmft 1u lost -1u @2.20
BMMA User 10u lost -10u @2.40
Marlo Stanfield TBE 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.25
Mandalorian_MMA User 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.10
💰🍯 Jack Attack MMA 🍯💰 3u lost -3u @2.20
Violence Guy 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.06
Game Bets 1.2u lost -1.2u @2.20
Crazy MMA 0.15u lost -0.15u @2.20
NS MMA18 1u lost -1u @2.20
Lock of the Night 1u lost -1u @2.06
Sando 3u lost -3u @2.10
MMAPonzi 3u lost -3u @2.10
Enfuego 1u lost -1u @2.00

Picking Khapilaev as part of a parlay
Talon straight pick @2.20
BMMA User straight pick @2.20
Dynamiczny Wariacik straight pick @2.13
BMMA User straight pick @2.10  
  Picking Kohout straight up
THE MMA MAESTRO 2u won 1.3u @1.66
Mr.Blonde 1.08u won 0.8u @1.77
MMA Bet 0.25u won 0.2u @1.63
C 2u won 1.8u @1.91
Wags2Riches 1.36u won 1.0u @1.74
Ray 10u won 7.2u @1.72
Reach Combat 2u won 1.5u @1.77
Fighter B
@2.05 @1.72
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Max Holzer vs Eemil Kurhela Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Max Holzer won by submission at 1:53 of round 2
Picking Holzer straight up
Bakayoko 1.5u won 0.6u @1.40
Enfuego 3u won 1.5u @1.49
BMMA JerZeyC 1.1u won 0.5u @1.45
Aussie Parlay King 👑 84% ML💰 24% ROI Parlay 1u won 0.4u @1.40
SashaBets 1u won 0.3u @1.33
Ray 10u won 3.0u @1.30
Reach Combat 2u won 0.7u @1.33
MC ☘️ 2u won 0.6u @1.28
BMMA User 3.5u won 1.2u @1.34

Picking Holzer as part of a parlay
Killer Penguin straight pick @1.42
Talon straight pick @1.44
Talon straight pick @1.44
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.44
Bakayoko straight pick @1.48
freaky ting straight pick @1.42
freaky ting straight pick @1.42
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.44
💰🍯 Jack Attack MMA 🍯💰 straight pick @1.40
Will Martin straight pick @1.44
Juicehead Turkey straight pick @1.40
Game Bets straight pick @1.40
NS MMA18 straight pick @1.40
Dynamiczny Wariacik straight pick @1.33
ncow straight pick @1.31
Sando straight pick @1.40
VB MMA Picks straight pick @1.32
Le Ghost straight pick @1.41
⭐ Green Bets straight pick @1.40
Mallera Lipski straight pick @1.30
Betting Bobo straight pick @1.31
Game Bets straight pick @1.40
BigSteve straight pick @1.30
SubliminalMMA straight pick @1.30
straight pick @1.29
KEM95 straight pick @1.29
LSVBETMACHINE straight pick @1.30
Le Ghost straight pick @1.30
J$ MMA straight pick @1.29
B C straight pick @1.30  
Fighter B
@1.30 @3.25
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Beno Adamia vs Stipe Brcic Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Beno Adamia won by decision
Picking Adamia straight up
Mallera Lipski 2u won 2.1u @2.05
SB 09__ 1u won 1.4u @2.40
BMMA User 0.35u won 0.5u @2.40
Marlo Stanfield TBE 0.5u won 0.7u @2.40
💰🍯 Jack Attack MMA 🍯💰 1u won 1.1u @2.10
Crazy MMA 0.15u won 0.2u @2.05  
  Picking Brcic straight up
Smart Capper 2u lost -2u @1.54
1.25u lost -1.25u @1.80
Talon 2u lost -2u @1.79
J$ MMA 2u lost -2u @1.83
Le Ghost 1.25u lost -1.25u @1.79
VB MMA Picks 1.26u lost -1.26u @1.79
Lock of the Night 2u lost -2u @1.79
BMMA User 1.26u lost -1.26u @1.79
Ray 10u lost -10u @1.72
Mateus Rigatti 1u lost -1u @1.76
MMAPonzi 3u lost -3u @1.76

Picking Brcic as part of a parlay
Talon straight pick @1.54
Talon straight pick @1.54
Kee straight pick @1.53
Dynamiczny Wariacik straight pick @1.80
⭐ Green Bets straight pick @1.80
Juicehead Turkey straight pick @1.75
J$ MMA straight pick @1.77
Fighter B
@1.95 @1.80
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Mallory Martin vs Anita Bekus Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Mallory Martin won by decision
Picking Martin straight up
Enfuego 1.45u won 1.0u @1.69
Talon 1.5u won 1.2u @1.80
J$ MMA 2u won 1.4u @1.71
Le Ghost 1.45u won 1.1u @1.75
VB MMA Picks 1.45u won 1.0u @1.69
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1u won 0.8u @1.80
Lock of the Night 1.35u won 1.0u @1.74

Picking Martin as part of a parlay
J$ MMA straight pick @1.77  
  Picking Bekus straight up
Smart Capper 1u lost -1u @2.10
Wally 🪕 5u lost -5u @2.10
ProdiigyBets 1u lost -1u @2.30
Negative EV Betting Systems 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.30
Sando 1.05u lost -1.05u @1.95
NS MMA18 1u lost -1u @2.20
Ray 10u lost -10u @2.10
Fighter B
@1.67 @2.10
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Endrit Brajshori vs Tayo Odunjo Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Endrit Brajshori won by decision
Picking Brajshori straight up
THE MMA MAESTRO 1.5u won 1.0u @1.68
Dirty Degen 0.5u won 0.4u @1.87
Mr.Blonde 1u won 0.7u @1.74
MMA Bet 0.5u won 0.3u @1.66
RunlikeGod 1u won 0.7u @1.67
Wags2Riches 1.4u won 1.0u @1.71
Ray 10u won 8.0u @1.80
BigSteve 0.5u won 0.4u @1.83
Kee 2.8u won 2.0u @1.72  
  Picking Odunjo straight up
Mallera Lipski 2u lost -2u @2.05
Game Bets 2.5u lost -2.5u @2.30
Juicehead Turkey 2.66u lost -2.66u @2.35
Talon 1.8u lost -1.8u @2.10
ProdiigyBets 1u lost -1u @2.15
VB MMA Picks 1.75u lost -1.75u @2.20
Le Ghost 1.75u lost -1.75u @2.30
Quadmft 1.68u lost -1.68u @2.30
C 2u lost -2u @2.30
Negative EV Betting Systems 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.15
SB 09__ 0.25u lost -0.25u @2.30
Mandalorian_MMA User 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.15
Violence Guy 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.16
NS MMA18 1u lost -1u @2.30
J$ MMA 1u lost -1u @2.01
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1u lost -1u @2.10
KimuraCapper 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.10
MMAPonzi 3u lost -3u @2.05

Picking Odunjo as part of a parlay
Talon straight pick @2.35
Fighter B
@1.72 @2.05

Overall bet winnings / losses for Oktagon 57

Handicapper Picks Right Units Bet Units Won ROI %  
SashaBets 2 2 2.0 0.4 22%
💰🍯 Jack Attack MMA 🍯💰 4 2 8.0 0.7 9%
VB MMA Picks 8 3 10.4 -3.4 -33%
Juicehead Turkey 6 1 15.1 -7.3 -48%
Marlo Stanfield TBE 11 5 11.0 -0.2 -2%
Mr.Blonde 5 5 4.1 3.2 78%
Negative EV Betting Systems 3 0 1.5 -1.5 -100%
NS MMA18 6 1 7.0 -3.9 -55%
B C 2 0 2.8 -2.8 -100%
⭐ Green Bets 2 0 4.8 -4.8 -100%
SubliminalMMA 1 1 0.5 0.5 95%
ncow 2 2 3.3 2.3 71%
Will Martin 1 1 3.5 2.3 65%
BMMA User 1 1 3.5 1.2 34%
Violence Guy 3 0 1.5 -1.5 -100%
Game Bets 5 1 11.6 -7.5 -65%
Aussie Parlay King 👑 84% ML💰 24% ROI Parlay 3 2 2.5 -0.6 -22%
Balboa 1 1 2.0 1.2 61%
BMMA JerZeyC 1 1 1.1 0.5 45%
KEM95 1 1 0.5 0.5 91%
Sando 4 0 7.9 -7.9 -100%
ProdiigyBets 5 0 5.3 -5.3 -100%
Lock of the Night 5 3 10.9 2.4 22%
Dirty Degen 4 3 2.7 1.8 68%
Lucky Locks 2 1 2.0 -0.3 -16%
Enfuego 6 3 8.5 1.0 11%
Talon 12 2 23.0 -18.6 -81%
BigSteve 2 2 1.0 0.9 91%
Gabriela 69 1 1 1.0 0.7 74%
Mateus Rigatti 2 1 2.0 -0.2 -12%
ProfitPicksMMA 1 1 1.6 1.0 61%
Bakayoko 3 3 3.0 1.5 51%
Bad MMA Bets 1 0 2.0 -2.0 -100%
MMA Bet 3 3 1.3 0.8 68%
SB 09__ 4 2 4.0 -1.0 -24%
Wags2Riches 3 3 4.2 3.0 72%
J$ MMA 9 3 14.3 -4.5 -32%
Mallera Lipski 2 1 4.0 0.1 3%
BMMA User 1 0 1.3 -1.3 -100%
Martin Superlolo 1 0 5.0 -5.0 -100%
BMMA User 1 1 0.4 0.5 140%
THE MMA MAESTRO 4 4 6.0 4.0 67%
KimuraCapper 2 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
Dynamiczny Wariacik 2 0 2.0 -2.0 -100%
Betting Bobo 1 1 4.0 1.7 42%
Kee 3 2 7.3 3.2 44%
Mandalorian_MMA User 4 0 5.5 -5.5 -100%
Smart Capper 5 1 7.0 -4.5 -65%
Ceelokstah 2 1 2.0 -0.3 -13%
Wally 🪕 1 0 5.0 -5.0 -100%
Reach Combat 5 4 10.0 2.5 25%
C 4 1 6.5 -2.7 -41%
Quadmft 5 1 6.5 -4.0 -62%
BMMA User 3 1 29.7 -13.0 -44%
MMAPonzi 6 1 20.0 -15.1 -76%
Crazy MMA 2 1 0.3 0.0 3%
Ray 7 4 70.0 -4.6 -7%
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