Bet MMA - MMA Betting Picks


MMA Handicapper Directory
Total MMA Handicappers: 6935
Profitable MMA Handicappers: 2476


Event Summary

Show: Show Duplicates

Cage Warriors 168

Manchester; 16th Mar 2024

Favourite wins: 7
Underdog wins: 5
$10 on all favourites nets: $-17.10
$10 on all underdogs nets: $13.60

Total Fight Time: 02:51:36 (Hours:Mins:Seconds)
Average Fight Time: 14:18 (Mins:Seconds)

MMA Handicapper Performance for Cage Warriors 168

Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Andrew Clamp vs Matthew Byfield Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Andrew Clamp won by KO / TKO at 3:6 of round 3
Picking Clamp straight up
Chaos MMA 1u won 2.0u @3.00
Illuminati Betting 👁️ 1u won 1.6u @2.60
Betting Model 3u won 6.0u @3.00
weouthere 1u won 2.0u @3.00
VB MMA Picks 0.7u won 1.4u @3.00
ProdiigyBets 0.6u won 1.2u @3.00
MMA Ricky 0.75u won 1.5u @3.00
Quadmft 0.7u won 1.4u @3.00
FrenchFries Betting 1.5u won 3.0u @3.00
1u won 2.0u @2.95
LucianMMA 1u won 2.0u @3.00
Sniper God MMA 1u won 1.8u @2.80
Ikari MMA 1u won 1.5u @2.55
Phunky340i 5u won 7.7u @2.55
SB 09__ 0.25u won 0.4u @2.55
ODB22 0.3u won 0.6u @3.00
Smart Capper 0.5u won 1.1u @3.20
Sniper God MMA 1u won 2.4u @3.40
BMMA User 1u won 2.4u @3.40
Lock of the Night 0.5u won 1.2u @3.35
Juicehead Turkey 2.24u won 5.4u @3.40
JS MMA 1u won 2.3u @3.35
Scrap Capper 1u won 2.4u @3.40
BonCore Solo 1u won 2.1u @3.09
Mr.Blonde 1u won 1.8u @2.83
BMMA User 1u won 2.0u @3.00
MMA Bet 1.25u won 2.5u @3.00
BMMA User 1.5u won 2.8u @2.90
NS MMA18 1u won 2.0u @3.00
Ray 10u won 17.5u @2.75
Wags2Riches 1u won 1.7u @2.75
Game Bets 1u won 2.0u @3.00
The Fist 1u won 1.8u @2.85  
  Picking Byfield straight up
LSVBETMACHINE 6u lost -6u @1.54
Le Ghost 5u lost -5u @1.53
Marlo Stanfield TBE 2u lost -2u @1.53
J$ MMA 3u lost -3u @1.42
Real Deal MMA 1u lost -1u @1.45
Bad MMA Bets 1u lost -1u @1.49
Jackson Potts 2.05u lost -2.05u @1.49

Picking Byfield as part of a parlay
Swaggy 23 straight pick @1.43
Flaming Bets straight pick @1.36
The Prophet Cowboy straight pick @1.34
MMA Hedge Funds straight pick @1.44
LucianMMA straight pick @1.49
J$ MMA straight pick @1.41
Los Estrada straight pick @1.44
Parlays with no winner selected
SwangNBang Under 1.5 rounds @1.80
Real Deal MMA Under 1.5 rounds @1.63
Fighter B
@2.75 @1.51
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Luke Riley vs John deJesus Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Luke Riley won by decision
Picking Riley straight up
VB MMA Picks 1.25u won 1.0u @1.80
ProdiigyBets 1.25u won 1.0u @1.80
BMMA User 1.25u won 1.0u @1.80
MMA Ricky 0.75u won 0.6u @1.80
SwangNBang 2.5u won 2.0u @1.80
weouthere 2u won 1.6u @1.80
Quadmft 1.25u won 1.0u @1.80
Oil Check 1.3u won 1.0u @1.77
Betting Model 10u won 5.0u @1.50
Marlo Stanfield TBE 2u won 1.6u @1.80
Balboa 2u won 1.5u @1.77
BMMA JerZeyC 1u won 0.5u @1.50
J$ MMA 3u won 1.3u @1.42
Real Deal MMA 1u won 0.4u @1.44
njrp77 7u won 3.0u @1.43
Bad MMA Bets 1u won 0.5u @1.54
MC ☘️ 1.5u won 0.8u @1.53

Picking Riley as part of a parlay
Swaggy 23 straight pick @1.43
Phunky340i straight pick @1.45
Phunky340i straight pick @1.44
SB 09__ straight pick @1.40
Flaming Bets straight pick @1.43
Mandalorian_MMA User straight pick @1.44
The Prophet Cowboy straight pick @1.43
njrp77 straight pick @1.43
Game Bets straight pick @1.72
Will Martin straight pick @1.45
LSVBETMACHINE straight pick @1.54
NS MMA18 straight pick @1.53
Joel MMA straight pick @1.53
Le Ghost straight pick @1.54
Nick Davis straight pick @1.54
Jock MMA straight pick @1.44
J$ MMA straight pick @1.45
J$ MMA straight pick @1.45  
  Picking deJesus straight up
FrenchFries Betting 1u lost -1u @2.60
B C 1u lost -1u @2.75
Lock of the Night 1.5u lost -1.5u @2.95
UsmanKap Kobe 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.75
Scrap Capper 1u lost -1u @3.10
BonCore Solo 1u lost -1u @2.77
Paulie 1u lost -1u @2.60
Jackson Potts 1u lost -1u @2.60
Parlays with no winner selected
weouthere Under 2.5 rounds @2.55
Ray Under 2.5 rounds @2.55
Scrap Capper Over 1.5 rounds @1.50
Fighter B
@1.53 @2.75
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog James Power vs Gianluca Rocca Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: James Power won by decision
Picking Power straight up
1.8u won 1.0u @1.56
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1u won 0.6u @1.57

Picking Power as part of a parlay
SwangNBang straight pick @1.33
B C straight pick @1.36
SB 09__ straight pick @1.40
ODB22 straight pick @1.42
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.42
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.44
Flaming Bets straight pick @1.42
The Prophet Cowboy straight pick @1.41
J$ MMA straight pick @1.42
J$ MMA straight pick @1.42
Jackson Potts straight pick @1.44  
  Picking Rocca straight up
Illuminati Betting 👁️ 0.5u lost -0.5u @3.40
Betting Model 3u lost -3u @3.40
VB MMA Picks 0.58u lost -0.58u @3.40
Quadmft 0.72u lost -0.72u @3.00
LucianMMA 0.4u lost -0.4u @3.00
Sniper God MMA 2u lost -2u @3.00
Smart Capper 1u lost -1u @2.60
Grateful_Dude 1.2u lost -1.2u @2.60
NarcocopMMA 1u lost -1u @3.05
Sniper God MMA 2u lost -2u @3.05
Lock of the Night 1u lost -1u @2.60
NS MMA18 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.75
Paulie 1u lost -1u @2.90
The Fist 0.55u lost -0.55u @2.90
Los Estrada 2u lost -2u @2.90
Parlays with no winner selected
Ray Over 1.5 rounds @1.72
Scrap Capper Under 1.5 rounds @2.20
BonCore Solo Under 1.5 rounds @2.20
Fighter B
@1.44 @2.95
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Adam Cullen vs Harel Cohen Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Harel Cohen won by decision
Picking Cullen straight up
UsmanKap Kobe 4u lost -4u @1.40
J$ MMA 3u lost -3u @1.35

Picking Cullen as part of a parlay
LucianMMA straight pick @1.33
SwangNBang straight pick @1.38
ncow straight pick @1.33
Pig Lord straight pick @1.33
Phunky340i straight pick @1.36
Phunky340i straight pick @1.35
MC ☘️ straight pick @1.40
Flaming Bets straight pick @1.40
The Prophet Cowboy straight pick @1.38
Juicehead Turkey straight pick @1.38
KL Bets straight pick @1.40
LSVBETMACHINE straight pick @1.43
Le Ghost straight pick @1.40
Jock MMA straight pick @1.40
J$ MMA straight pick @1.42
J$ MMA straight pick @1.36
Los Estrada straight pick @1.40  
  Picking Cohen straight up
Betting Model 4u won 9.6u @3.40
SB 09__ 0.25u won 0.5u @3.00
BMMA User 1u won 2.0u @3.00
Oil Check 1u won 2.1u @3.10
Lock of the Night 1u won 1.9u @2.90
Game Bets 1u won 2.0u @3.00
Jackson Potts 0.5u won 1.1u @3.10
Parlays with no winner selected
Marlo Stanfield TBE Under 1.5 rounds @1.69
SwangNBang Under 1.5 rounds @1.69
Ray Under 1.5 rounds @2.00
Joey Jiu Jitsu Under 1.5 rounds @1.69
Fighter B
@1.40 @3.15
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Sam Kelly vs Alessandro Giordano Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Alessandro Giordano won by KO / TKO at 4:17 of round 3
Picking Kelly straight up
Betting Model 10u lost -10u @1.87
ProdiigyBets 1u lost -1u @2.14
FrenchFries Betting 1u lost -1u @2.14
VB MMA Picks 1.35u lost -1.35u @2.14
Pepe Silvia 2u lost -2u @2.15
LucianMMA 0.65u lost -0.65u @1.84
Nano 2u lost -2u @1.84
LSVBETMACHINE 3u lost -3u @1.84
B C 1.5u lost -1.5u @1.83
Le Ghost 2.5u lost -2.5u @1.83
Swaggy 23 3.5u lost -3.5u @1.69
Flaming Bets 1.7u lost -1.7u @1.59
Real Deal MMA 2u lost -2u @1.65
Martin Superlolo 2u lost -2u @1.67
Quadmft 1.63u lost -1.63u @1.61
ncow 1u lost -1u @1.69
Enfuego 1.5u lost -1.5u @1.65
BMMA User 2.5u lost -2.5u @1.65
J$ MMA 2u lost -2u @1.61

Picking Kelly as part of a parlay
SwangNBang straight pick @1.42
Mandalorian_MMA User straight pick @1.62
The Prophet Cowboy straight pick @1.57
MMA Hedge Funds straight pick @1.65
KL Bets straight pick @1.62
Nick Davis straight pick @1.65
J$ MMA straight pick @1.63
Los Estrada straight pick @1.63  
  Picking Giordano straight up
Illuminati Betting 👁️ 1u won 1.9u @2.90
Oil Check 2u won 3.5u @2.75
Sniper God MMA 2u won 1.7u @1.87
1u won 1.4u @2.35
Dog Money 1u won 1.2u @2.24
Smart Capper 1u won 1.5u @2.45
Sniper God MMA 2u won 2.9u @2.45
BMMA User 1u won 1.5u @2.45
BMMA User 1u won 1.5u @2.45
Joey Jiu Jitsu 1u won 1.4u @2.40
Scrap Capper 1u won 1.9u @2.90
BonCore Solo 0.5u won 0.6u @2.26
Game Bets 1.5u won 2.0u @2.36
Paulie 1u won 1.4u @2.35
Jackson Potts 1u won 1.4u @2.35

Picking Giordano as part of a parlay
Game Bets straight pick @2.36
Parlays with no winner selected
Under 2.5 rounds @2.60
VB MMA Picks Under 2.5 rounds @2.60
Quadmft Under 2.5 rounds @2.65
The Fist Under 2.5 rounds @2.65
Fighter B
@1.62 @2.36
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Liam Gittins vs Roberto Hernandez Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Liam Gittins won by submission at 1:48 of round 5
Picking Gittins straight up
Illuminati Betting 👁️ 1.5u won 1.0u @1.69
Betting Model 10u won 8.0u @1.80
weouthere 2.5u won 2.3u @1.91
VB MMA Picks 1.65u won 1.5u @1.91
ProdiigyBets 1.1u won 1.0u @1.91
MMA Ricky 1u won 0.9u @1.91
Quadmft 1.84u won 1.5u @1.80
Sniper God MMA 1.5u won 1.4u @1.91
Pepe Silvia 1.4u won 1.0u @1.71
Nano 1.35u won 1.0u @1.74
BMMA JerZeyC 1u won 0.7u @1.69
Phunky340i 4u won 2.4u @1.60
1.35u won 1.0u @1.74
ncow 1.25u won 1.1u @1.87
ODB22 0.5u won 0.4u @1.74
LSVBETMACHINE 3u won 2.7u @1.91
J$ MMA 2u won 1.7u @1.87
The Prophet Cowboy 1u won 0.9u @1.91
Mandalorian_MMA User 1.5u won 1.3u @1.86
Sniper God MMA 1.5u won 1.4u @1.91
BMMA User 1.1u won 1.0u @1.91
Le Ghost 2u won 1.9u @1.93
Real Deal MMA 2u won 1.7u @1.83
Ikari MMA 1.2u won 1.0u @1.83
Juicehead Turkey 3.5u won 3.2u @1.91
TheCouchWarrior 2.2u won 2.0u @1.91
Joey Jiu Jitsu 1.1u won 1.0u @1.91
Enfuego 1.1u won 1.0u @1.91
BMMA User 1.5u won 1.3u @1.87
NS MMA18 1u won 0.9u @1.86
MC ☘️ 1u won 0.8u @1.85
The Fist 1.22u won 1.0u @1.82
Dravhy 2.3u won 2.0u @1.87
Los Estrada 2u won 1.7u @1.87

Picking Gittins as part of a parlay
Phunky340i straight pick @1.69
Mandalorian_MMA User straight pick @1.86  
  Picking Hernandez straight up
SwangNBang 1u lost -1u @2.15
FrenchFries Betting 1u lost -1u @2.05
MMAffinity 3u lost -3u @1.83
Lucrative MMA 3u lost -3u @2.10
SB 09__ 0.25u lost -0.25u @2.30
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1u lost -1u @2.30
Jock MMA 0.5u lost -0.5u @1.91
BetEdgePicks 3.25u lost -3.25u @1.90
Flaming Bets 1.1u lost -1.1u @1.91
BMMA User 3.05u lost -3.05u @2.10
Lock of the Night 2.2u lost -2.2u @1.91
UsmanKap Kobe 1u lost -1u @1.87
MMA PLAYS 2.3u lost -2.3u @1.90
MMA Hedge Funds 1u lost -1u @2.10
KL Bets 2u lost -2u @1.86
Jackson Potts 2u lost -2u @2.10

Picking Hernandez as part of a parlay
LucianMMA straight pick @1.87
Parlays with no winner selected
Pepe Silvia Over 4.5 rounds @1.95
Ray Under 4.5 rounds @2.10
Nano Over 4.5 rounds @1.71
Fighter B
@1.91 @2.10
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Tom Nicholls vs Craig Rawlins Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Tom Nicholls won by submission at 1:39 of round 3
Picking Nicholls straight up
VB MMA Picks 3u won 1.0u @1.33
Quadmft 3u won 1.0u @1.33
MMA Hedge Funds 4u won 2.4u @1.61
SashaBets 3u won 0.9u @1.31

Picking Nicholls as part of a parlay
LSVBETMACHINE straight pick @1.29
Game Bets straight pick @1.32
Flaming Bets straight pick @1.33
The Prophet Cowboy straight pick @1.32
Juicehead Turkey straight pick @1.33
njrp77 straight pick @1.32
Game Bets straight pick @1.33
ncow straight pick @1.33
LucianMMA straight pick @1.31
KL Bets straight pick @1.30
LSVBETMACHINE straight pick @1.29
NS MMA18 straight pick @1.30
Le Ghost straight pick @1.30
Le Ghost straight pick @1.33
Game Bets straight pick @1.30
J$ MMA straight pick @1.26
MC ☘️ straight pick @1.29
MC ☘️ straight pick @1.33
Los Estrada straight pick @1.29
Jackson Potts straight pick @1.20  
Parlays with no winner selected
Ray Under 1.5 rounds @1.62
MMA Hedge Funds Under 2.5 rounds @1.80
Fighter B
@1.27 @5.00
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Antonio Sheldon vs Tom Mearns Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Antonio Sheldon won by decision
Picking Sheldon straight up
SwangNBang 1u won 1.7u @2.70
Illuminati Betting 👁️ 1u won 1.7u @2.70
Betting Model 5u won 8.5u @2.70
Sniper God MMA 2u won 3.4u @2.70
1u won 1.7u @2.70
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1u won 1.7u @2.75
Juicehead Turkey 1.32u won 2.8u @3.10
MMAPREDICTIONGURU 0.5u won 1.1u @3.10
Smart Capper 1.5u won 3.2u @3.10
Sniper God MMA 2u won 4.2u @3.10
BMMA User 1u won 2.1u @3.10
Quadmft 0.7u won 1.5u @3.10
TheCouchWarrior 0.5u won 1.1u @3.10
VB MMA Picks 0.7u won 1.5u @3.10
ProdiigyBets 0.6u won 1.1u @2.85  
  Picking Mearns straight up
J$ MMA 3u lost -3u @1.40
Le Ghost 4u lost -4u @1.56
LSVBETMACHINE 5u lost -5u @1.56

Picking Mearns as part of a parlay
Flaming Bets straight pick @1.40
The Prophet Cowboy straight pick @1.41
MMA Hedge Funds straight pick @1.45
J$ MMA straight pick @1.41
Lock of the Night straight pick @1.43
Jackson Potts straight pick @1.49
Parlays with no winner selected
Ray Over 2.5 rounds @1.50
ncow Over 2.5 rounds @1.50
Fighter B
@3.10 @1.51
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Andy Yates vs Christian Tebbett Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Andy Yates won by decision
Picking Yates straight up
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1u won 0.5u @1.50
Enfuego 2u won 1.0u @1.50

Picking Yates as part of a parlay
The Prophet Cowboy straight pick @1.36
Scrap Capper straight pick @1.50
BonCore Solo straight pick @1.50
LSVBETMACHINE straight pick @1.49
Le Ghost straight pick @1.44
J$ MMA straight pick @1.44
Los Estrada straight pick @1.44
Jackson Potts straight pick @1.35  
  Picking Tebbett straight up
Betting Model 4u lost -4u @2.80
Game Bets 1u lost -1u @2.75
Parlays with no winner selected
VB MMA Picks Under 2.5 rounds @2.95
Quadmft Under 2.5 rounds @2.85
Lock of the Night Under 2.5 rounds @2.85
Scrap Capper Under 2.5 rounds @2.95
BonCore Solo Under 2.5 rounds @2.85
Fighter B
@1.40 @3.40
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Shedlon Ryan vs Michelangelo Lupoli Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Michelangelo Lupoli won by decision
Picking Ryan straight up
Betting Model 5u lost -5u @2.50
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1u lost -1u @2.40
The Prophet Cowboy 1u lost -1u @2.36
Jackson Potts 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.45  
  Picking Lupoli straight up
Wags2Riches 1.7u won 1.0u @1.59
Flaming Bets 1.6u won 1.0u @1.63
MMA Bet 1.75u won 1.1u @1.61
Mr.Blonde 2u won 1.3u @1.63
Lock of the Night 5u won 2.9u @1.59
BMMA User 2u won 1.2u @1.59
Scrap Capper 2.5u won 3.1u @2.25
BonCore Solo 2u won 1.2u @1.62
BMMA User 2u won 1.2u @1.61
Enfuego 1.65u won 1.0u @1.61
ProdiigyBets 1.63u won 1.0u @1.61
NS MMA18 1.5u won 0.9u @1.61
J$ MMA 2.85u won 1.5u @1.54
Paulie 1u won 0.6u @1.59
MC ☘️ 1.5u won 0.9u @1.60

Picking Lupoli as part of a parlay
Juicehead Turkey straight pick @1.60
LucianMMA straight pick @1.59
MMA Hedge Funds straight pick @1.63
KL Bets straight pick @1.58
Negative EV Betting Systems straight pick @1.59
Game Bets straight pick @1.61
J$ MMA straight pick @1.54
Parlays with no winner selected
SwangNBang Under 2.5 rounds @2.90
VB MMA Picks Under 2.5 rounds @2.90
Quadmft Under 2.5 rounds @3.00
J$ MMA Under 2.5 rounds @2.70
Fighter B
@2.50 @1.57
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Fran Breen vs Costin Buhna Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Fran Breen won by KO / TKO at 1:21 of round 3

Picking Breen as part of a parlay
Le Ghost straight pick @1.22
Le Ghost straight pick @1.22
Le Ghost straight pick @1.22
J$ MMA straight pick @1.17
Lock of the Night straight pick @1.20
MC ☘️ straight pick @1.20
Los Estrada straight pick @1.22
MC ☘️ straight pick @1.20  
Parlays with no winner selected
J$ MMA Under 2.5 rounds @1.69
VB MMA Picks Under 2.5 rounds @1.65
Real Deal MMA Under 2.5 rounds @1.64
Lock of the Night Under 2.5 rounds @1.80
Fighter B
@1.17 @6.50
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Qendrim Pallata vs Mario Mingaj Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Mario Mingaj won by submission at 4:25 of round 2
Picking Pallata straight up
weouthere 1.25u lost -1.25u @2.00
Lock of the Night 1u lost -1u @2.00
Game Bets 1u lost -1u @1.95
Jackson Potts 1.1u lost -1.1u @1.91

Picking Pallata as part of a parlay
Game Bets straight pick @1.95  
  Picking Mingaj straight up
The Prophet Cowboy 1u won 0.8u @1.83
MMAPREDICTIONGURU 2u won 1.7u @1.83
Flaming Bets 1.2u won 1.0u @1.83
Quadmft 1.2u won 1.0u @1.83
VB MMA Picks 1.2u won 1.0u @1.83
TheCouchWarrior 1.2u won 1.0u @1.83
Joey Jiu Jitsu 1u won 0.8u @1.83
MMAffinity 3u won 2.6u @1.87
Scrap Capper 1u won 1.1u @2.05
BonCore Solo 1u won 1.1u @2.05
KL Bets 1.5u won 1.3u @1.86
KEM95 1u won 1.0u @2.00
J$ MMA 2u won 1.7u @1.87
Enfuego 1u won 1.0u @2.00
ProdiigyBets 1u won 1.1u @2.05
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1u won 1.1u @2.05
Juicehead Turkey 3.5u won 3.5u @2.00
Chaos MMA 1u won 1.1u @2.05
NS MMA18 1u won 0.9u @1.86
Paulie 3u won 2.9u @1.95
Reach Combat 2u won 1.8u @1.91
The Fist 1.1u won 1.0u @1.91

Picking Mingaj as part of a parlay
J$ MMA straight pick @1.91
Parlays with no winner selected
VB MMA Picks Under 1.5 rounds @2.60
Quadmft Under 1.5 rounds @2.65
Ray Under 1.5 rounds @2.60
The Fist Under 1.5 rounds @2.75
Fighter B
@1.87 @2.00

Overall bet winnings / losses for Cage Warriors 168

Handicapper Picks Right Units Bet Units Won ROI %  
LSVBETMACHINE 7 3 24.6 -11.9 -49%
SashaBets 1 1 3.0 0.9 31%
VB MMA Picks 13 7 14.9 3.5 24%
Juicehead Turkey 6 5 16.3 14.6 89%
Marlo Stanfield TBE 10 5 13.0 -1.5 -12%
Mr.Blonde 2 2 3.0 3.1 103%
Pepe Silvia 6 1 12.3 -9.8 -80%
Lucrative MMA 1 0 3.0 -3.0 -100%
Real Deal MMA 8 3 15.0 -8.3 -55%
MMAPREDICTIONGURU 2 2 2.5 2.7 109%
B C 2 0 2.5 -2.5 -100%
NS MMA18 6 5 6.3 5.4 86%
NarcocopMMA 1 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
Joey Jiu Jitsu 4 3 4.6 1.7 38%
Will Martin 1 1 3.0 2.5 82%
ncow 4 2 4.5 -0.2 -4%
BMMA User 1 0 3.1 -3.1 -100%
TheCouchWarrior 3 3 3.9 4.1 104%
Game Bets 8 5 12.5 12.6 101%
Oil Check 4 4 4.8 7.3 152%
Dravhy 1 1 2.3 2.0 87%
Balboa 1 1 2.0 1.5 77%
BMMA JerZeyC 2 2 2.0 1.2 59%
KEM95 1 1 1.0 1.0 100%
Scrap Capper 8 5 9.5 6.7 71%
ProdiigyBets 7 6 7.2 5.4 75%
Lock of the Night 10 4 17.8 -0.8 -4%
Chaos MMA 2 2 2.0 3.1 153%
Enfuego 5 4 7.3 2.5 34%
Jackson Potts 9 3 10.5 -4.3 -40%
LucianMMA 7 2 4.0 0.6 14%
njrp77 1 1 7.0 3.0 43%
weouthere 6 4 8.8 5.5 63%
Illuminati Betting 👁️ 5 4 5.0 5.7 115%
The Fist 6 3 4.9 2.3 47%
MMA Bet 2 2 3.0 3.6 119%
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SB 09__ 4 3 1.3 1.1 89%
Los Estrada 4 1 11.0 -7.3 -66%
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MMA Hedge Funds 5 2 9.0 1.0 11%
Wags2Riches 2 2 2.7 2.7 102%
J$ MMA 16 7 30.8 -6.7 -22%
BMMA User 4 4 4.1 6.9 170%
Ikari MMA 2 2 2.2 2.6 116%
Martin Superlolo 1 0 2.0 -2.0 -100%
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BMMA User 1 1 1.3 1.0 80%
Mandalorian_MMA User 2 1 2.8 0.0 1%
The Prophet Cowboy 7 3 7.0 -1.2 -18%
UsmanKap Kobe 3 0 5.5 -5.5 -100%
Smart Capper 4 3 4.0 4.7 118%
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BMMA User 3 2 5.5 1.7 30%
BetEdgePicks 1 0 3.3 -3.3 -100%
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Reach Combat 1 1 2.0 1.8 91%
Quadmft 12 6 14.0 2.1 15%
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Betting Model 9 5 54.0 15.1 28%
Nick Davis 1 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
SwangNBang 7 2 11.0 -3.8 -35%
Phunky340i 4 2 18.3 0.8 5%
Ray 9 5 55.0 6.6 12%
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