Bet MMA - MMA Betting Picks


MMA Handicapper Directory
Total MMA Handicappers: 6923
Profitable MMA Handicappers: 2486


Event Summary

Show: Show Duplicates


Las Vegas; 7th Aug 2019

Favourite wins: 1
Underdog wins: 3
$10 on all favourites nets: $-28.33
$10 on all underdogs nets: $55.20

Total Fight Time: 00:40:21 (Hours:Mins:Seconds)
Average Fight Time: 08:04 (Mins:Seconds)

MMA Handicapper Performance for DWCS 23

Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Harvey Park vs Omar Morales Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Omar Morales won by KO / TKO at 1:6 of round 2
Picking Park straight up
BetsbyJ 5u lost -5u @1.33
MannysPicks 1u lost -1u @1.38
HybridIntelligence 7.84u lost -7.84u @1.41
NorCalMMA 3u lost -3u @1.41
TheFightGambler 1u lost -1u @1.41
TopProfitMMA User 7.5u lost -7.5u @1.34
Tx Running 1u lost -1u @1.32

Picking Park as part of a parlay
T Russo straight pick @1.36
BettingSodsman straight pick @1.36
BetsbyJ straight pick @1.33
MMATechie straight pick @1.36
Hermes MMA straight pick @1.36
Mr. Jackpots straight pick @1.33
John Connors straight pick @1.30
MMAVegasPete straight pick @1.36
Inside The Cage straight pick @1.36
James straight pick @1.33
MMAPREDICTIONGURU straight pick @1.36
JoanCombatPicks straight pick @1.41
4 oz Fight Picks straight pick @1.30
KnockOut straight pick @1.36
straight pick @1.41
straight pick @1.41
straight pick @1.41
straight pick @1.40
MMAValuePlay straight pick @1.36
MMA Prophit straight pick @1.38
MMAValuePlay straight pick @1.36
straight pick @1.41
Chop MMA straight pick @1.40
DFS BY THE NUMBERS straight pick @1.36
DFS BY THE NUMBERS straight pick @1.38
BMMA User straight pick @1.41
TopProfitMMA User straight pick @1.34
Jimmyhug3 straight pick @1.36  
  Picking Morales straight up
ZeesMMA 1u won 2.3u @3.32
BMMA User 0.5u won 1.1u @3.20
Pig Lord 0.66u won 1.5u @3.30
KnockOut 2u won 4.0u @3.00
Thick Rhomboid Picks 3u won 7.0u @3.35
Fade Bum Clint PICKS 1.5u won 3.1u @3.05
WarriorBetMMA 1.25u won 2.8u @3.25
Anthony Venutolo 1u won 2.0u @3.00
Enfuego 2u won 4.3u @3.15
Arm N Hammer 2u won 4.3u @3.15
SubliminalMMA 0.5u won 1.1u @3.25
Vb 1u won 2.2u @3.24
BMMA User 0.5u won 1.1u @3.25
DOCR 1u won 2.3u @3.33
BMMA User 0.8u won 2.1u @3.65
Ozzy P 0.4u won 0.8u @3.10
ns 3.5u won 8.8u @3.50

Picking Morales as part of a parlay
BMMA User wins by TKO/KO @8.00
ns straight pick @3.85
Parlays with no winner selected
Fight doesn't go to decision @1.35
That High Guy Fight doesn't go to decision @1.31
Fighter B
@1.36 @3.70
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Dwight Joseph vs Jay Perrin Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Dwight Joseph won by decision
Picking Joseph straight up
T Russo 0.75u won 1.0u @2.30
Hermes MMA 2u won 2.6u @2.30
Jake Thomas 0.7u won 1.1u @2.50
Bigboybets 1.5u won 2.1u @2.37
ube921 2u won 2.5u @2.25
ZeesMMA 1u won 1.4u @2.36
James 2.5u won 3.3u @2.30
BMMA User 1u won 1.3u @2.25
Anthony Venutolo 1u won 1.3u @2.30
HybridIntelligence 7.84u won 11.0u @2.40
SubliminalMMA 2u won 2.7u @2.37
Fade Bum Clint PICKS 1.5u won 1.5u @2.01
MMA Prophit 1.5u won 1.8u @2.20
MMAValuePlay 5u won 6.3u @2.25
Bet Value 0.33u won 0.4u @2.20
191muaythai User 1u won 1.3u @2.25
Enfuego 2u won 2.4u @2.20
_ 0.8u won 1.0u @2.25
ns 4.5u won 4.3u @1.95
Daniel Mehrabian 3u won 3.0u @2.00
Tx Running 1u won 1.0u @2.02
MMA Profitcy 4u won 4.1u @2.02

Picking Joseph as part of a parlay
_ wins inside distance @3.85
BMMA User wins by decision @4.00
ns straight pick @2.00
ns straight pick @2.00
Marlo Stanfield TBE wins by decision @4.50  
  Picking Perrin straight up
BettingSodsman 1.5u lost -1.5u @1.91
KnockOut 2u lost -2u @1.61
BMMA User 1u lost -1u @2.25
MMAPREDICTIONGURU 1u lost -1u @1.80
WarriorBetMMA 2u lost -2u @1.67
Owakim hansen 3u lost -3u @1.78
2.1u lost -2.1u @1.67
BMMA User 5u lost -5u @1.76
SpaceFlyingGB 5u lost -5u @1.67
Vb 3u lost -3u @1.74
Jimmyhug3 1.3u lost -1.3u @1.57
BMMA User 5u lost -5u @1.71
TopProfitMMA User 7.5u lost -7.5u @1.71
MMA Vader 0.4u lost -0.4u @1.82
Quinn 1.5u lost -1.5u @1.91
DOCR 1.3u lost -1.3u @1.77
Andrew Gombas MMA Betting 1u lost -1u @1.83
BMMA User 1.5u lost -1.5u @1.83

Picking Perrin as part of a parlay
Mr. Jackpots straight pick @1.57
KnockOut straight pick @1.61
straight pick @1.67
straight pick @1.67
straight pick @1.67
straight pick @1.67
Arm N Hammer wins inside distance @3.80
TopProfitMMA User straight pick @1.71
Parlays with no winner selected
Marlo Stanfield TBE Over 1.5 rounds @1.61
Andrew Gombas MMA Betting Over 2.5 rounds @1.63
Marlo Stanfield TBE Fight goes to decision @2.10
Fighter B
@2.25 @1.90
Fighter A Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog Andre Muniz vs Taylor Johnson Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Andre Muniz won by submission at 1:46 of round 1
Picking Muniz straight up
QGR 3u won 5.5u @2.85
0.5u won 0.9u @2.75
ube921 1.5u won 2.6u @2.75
BMMA User 1u won 1.9u @2.90
Owakim hansen 1u won 2.2u @3.20
MMA Prophit 0.5u won 1.1u @3.10
NorCalMMA 0.5u won 1.3u @3.50
Marlo Stanfield TBE 0.5u won 1.0u @3.00

Picking Muniz as part of a parlay
That High Guy wins inside distance @3.80
BMMA User wins by sub round 2 @19.00
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @3.20
Marlo Stanfield TBE Fight ends by Sub or Decision @5.25
Marlo Stanfield TBE wins by Sub or Decision @0.20
Marlo Stanfield TBE wins by submission @5.50
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @3.30  
  Picking Johnson straight up
T Russo 1.25u lost -1.25u @1.47
BMMA User 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.90
Island Fight Club 2u lost -2u @1.44
Arm N Hammer 7.5u lost -7.5u @1.42
Vb 3u lost -3u @1.44
TopProfitMMA User 7.5u lost -7.5u @1.33
Enfuego 0.5u lost -0.5u @1.36
Ozzy P 2.2u lost -2.2u @1.45
John Connors 1.5u lost -1.5u @1.40
Tx Running 1u lost -1u @1.34
BMMA User 2u lost -2u @1.40

Picking Johnson as part of a parlay
BettingSodsman straight pick @1.47
MMATechie straight pick @1.47
Hermes MMA straight pick @1.47
Bennosuke the MF man straight pick @1.45
MMAVegasPete straight pick @1.44
James straight pick @1.44
4 oz Fight Picks straight pick @1.40
ScrapCapper straight pick @1.34
KnockOut straight pick @1.40
straight pick @1.40
straight pick @1.40
straight pick @1.40
straight pick @1.40
MMAValuePlay straight pick @1.40
straight pick @1.40
Arm N Hammer straight pick @1.42
MMAprophet straight pick @1.42
ncow straight pick @1.35
BMMA User straight pick @1.42
TopProfitMMA User straight pick @1.33
SubliminalMMA wins by TKO/KO @1.91
That High Guy wins inside distance @1.48
Jimmyhug3 straight pick @1.36
CmesFirePicks straight pick @1.33
BMMA User wins by KO/TKO or Decision @1.53
Anthony Venutolo straight pick @1.37
ns straight pick @1.33
ns straight pick @1.33
Marlo Stanfield TBE wins in round 2 @3.25
Marlo Stanfield TBE wins in round 3 @8.50
Parlays with no winner selected
ube921 Fight doesn't go to decision @1.29
JoanCombatPicks Fight doesn't go to decision @1.29
John Connors Fight doesn't go to decision @1.22
Enfuego Fight doesn't go to decision @1.18
SubliminalMMA Under 1.5 rounds @1.53
That High Guy Fight doesn't go to decision @1.18
BMMA User wins by sub round 3 @26.00
BMMA User Fight doesn't go to decision @1.18
Fighter B
@3.57 @1.40
Fighter A Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog Darrick Minner vs Herbert Burns Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Herbert Burns won by submission at 2:29 of round 1
Picking Minner straight up
Gugabe Picks 1u lost -1u @5.85
ube921 0.5u lost -0.5u @5.40
0.5u lost -0.5u @6.00
_ 0.8u lost -0.8u @6.00
BMMA User 1u lost -1u @6.00  
  Picking Burns straight up
BetsbyJ 11u won 2.0u @1.18
Jake Thomas 7u won 1.3u @1.19
Bennosuke the MF man 11u won 1.8u @1.17
BMMA User 5u won 1.6u @1.33
TopProfitMMA User 10u won 2.5u @1.25
Tx Running 1u won 0.2u @1.22

Picking Burns as part of a parlay
T Russo straight pick @1.17
BettingSodsman straight pick @1.15
BetsbyJ straight pick @1.18
Hermes MMA straight pick @1.15
Mr. Jackpots straight pick @1.14
Bennosuke the MF man straight pick @1.15
John Connors straight pick @1.17
KnockOut straight pick @1.14
KnockOut straight pick @1.14
Inside The Cage straight pick @1.15
MMAPREDICTIONGURU straight pick @1.15
4 oz Fight Picks straight pick @1.14
WarriorBetMMA straight pick @1.15
MMA Prophit straight pick @1.14
Chop MMA straight pick @1.18
Enfuego wins inside distance @1.29
DFS BY THE NUMBERS straight pick @1.17
Enfuego straight pick @1.16
DFS BY THE NUMBERS straight pick @1.14
ncow straight pick @1.17
TopProfitMMA User straight pick @1.25
SubliminalMMA wins by submission @1.50
That High Guy wins inside distance @1.27
MrBlack User wins inside distance @1.25
BMMA User wins by submission @1.50
Anthony Venutolo straight pick @1.15
John Connors wins by submission @1.50
Parlays with no winner selected
Andrew Gombas MMA Betting Over 1.5 rounds @2.55
Fighter B
@6.30 @1.17
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Lucrezia Ria vs Marilia Santos Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Lucrezia Ria won by decision
Picking Ria straight up
T Russo 0.5u won 0.9u @2.85
0.5u won 0.9u @2.75
0.83u won 1.6u @2.90
DOCR 1u won 2.0u @3.00

Picking Ria as part of a parlay
Mr. Jackpots straight pick @2.75
BMMA User wins by submission @11.00  
  Picking Santos straight up
KnockOut 3u lost -3u @1.44
Arm N Hammer 6.5u lost -6.5u @1.44
TopProfitMMA User 7.5u lost -7.5u @1.42
Ozzy P 2.5u lost -2.5u @1.45
Tx Running 1u lost -1u @1.43

Picking Santos as part of a parlay
WarriorBetMMA straight pick @1.44
Hermes MMA straight pick @1.45
MMATechie straight pick @1.45
KnockOut straight pick @1.44
KnockOut straight pick @1.44
MMAPREDICTIONGURU straight pick @1.41
4 oz Fight Picks straight pick @1.44
ScrapCapper straight pick @1.43
straight pick @1.43
straight pick @1.43
straight pick @1.43
straight pick @1.43
MMAValuePlay straight pick @1.40
straight pick @1.43
DFS BY THE NUMBERS straight pick @1.40
Arm N Hammer wins inside distance @3.15
Arm N Hammer straight pick @1.44
MMAprophet straight pick @1.44
ncow straight pick @1.39
TopProfitMMA User straight pick @1.42
That High Guy wins inside distance @2.85
Anthony Venutolo straight pick @1.37
BMMA User wins by TKO/KO @7.00
Parlays with no winner selected
John Connors Over 2.5 rounds @1.62
Fight doesn't go to decision @2.35
BMMA User Fight doesn't go to decision @2.10
Daniel Mehrabian Fight doesn't go to decision @1.83
Fighter B
@inf @inf

Overall bet winnings / losses for DWCS 23

Handicapper Picks Right Units Bet Units Won ROI %  
Marlo Stanfield TBE 8 5 3.3 4.7 141%
MMAprophet 1 0 4.0 -4.0 -100%
BetsbyJ 3 1 22.0 -9.0 -41%
Gugabe Picks 1 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
Ozzy P 3 1 5.1 -3.9 -76%
MMAPREDICTIONGURU 2 0 4.0 -4.0 -100%
Thick Rhomboid Picks 1 1 3.0 7.0 235%
Andrew Gombas MMA Betting 3 1 2.5 -0.9 -35%
13 1 27.1 -24.7 -91%
WarriorBetMMA 3 1 6.3 -2.2 -35%
SubliminalMMA 5 4 6.0 5.0 83%
ncow 1 0 0.5 -0.5 -100%
ScrapCapper 1 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
Arm N Hammer 6 1 23.5 -17.2 -73%
KnockOut 6 1 14.5 -8.5 -59%
Bennosuke the MF man 2 1 16.0 -3.2 -20%
ns 5 3 21.0 15.0 72%
Owakim hansen 2 1 4.0 -0.8 -20%
DFS BY THE NUMBERS 2 0 3.0 -3.0 -100%
Island Fight Club 1 0 2.0 -2.0 -100%
4 oz Fight Picks 1 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
Mr. Jackpots 1 0 5.0 -5.0 -100%
SpaceFlyingGB 1 0 5.0 -5.0 -100%
MMA Vader 1 0 0.4 -0.4 -100%
MMAVegasPete 1 0 3.0 -3.0 -100%
T Russo 4 2 4.0 -0.9 -21%
MMA Prophit 3 2 4.5 0.3 8%
Enfuego 5 4 15.5 9.9 64%
Bigboybets 1 1 1.5 2.1 137%
MMATechie 1 0 0.5 -0.5 -100%
BMMA User 3 1 9.1 -2.5 -27%
BMMA User 6 4 6.0 5.3 88%
NorCalMMA 2 1 3.5 -1.7 -50%
HybridIntelligence 2 1 15.7 3.1 20%
John Connors 4 2 9.0 -0.1 -1%
MrBlack User 1 1 5.0 1.3 25%
ZeesMMA 2 2 2.0 3.7 184%
CmesFirePicks 1 0 2.0 -2.0 -100%
2 2 1.0 1.7 175%
BMMA User 2 1 1.8 1.1 62%
JoanCombatPicks 1 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
Inside The Cage 1 0 1.5 -1.5 -100%
BMMA User 2 1 10.0 -3.4 -34%
Jake Thomas 2 2 7.7 2.4 31%
DOCR 3 2 3.3 3.0 92%
That High Guy 1 0 2.0 -2.0 -100%
BettingSodsman 2 0 2.8 -2.8 -100%
TheFightGambler 1 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
MannysPicks 1 0 1.0 -1.0 -100%
BMMA User 2 0 10.0 -10.0 -100%
191muaythai User 1 1 1.0 1.3 125%
Jimmyhug3 2 0 2.3 -2.3 -100%
Tx Running 5 2 5.0 -1.8 -35%
Chop MMA 1 0 1.5 -1.5 -100%
TopProfitMMA User 6 1 50.0 -37.5 -75%
_ 3 1 2.1 -0.3 -14%
Anthony Venutolo 3 2 4.1 1.2 29%
Daniel Mehrabian 2 1 6.0 0.0 0%
Vb 3 1 7.0 -3.8 -54%
MMA Profitcy 1 1 4.0 4.1 102%
Quinn 1 0 1.5 -1.5 -100%
MMAValuePlay 3 1 15.0 -3.7 -25%
Hermes MMA 3 1 7.0 -2.4 -34%
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