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Free UFC Betting Tips for Otar Tanzilov vs Josias Musasa

Otar Tanzilov vs Josias Musasa takes place at Contender Series 2024: Week 5 (in Las Vegas, Nevada), on 10th Sep 2024
This event is 27 days, 18 hours and 8 minutes away. You can see any predictions our MMA handicappers have on Otar Tanzilov vs Josias Musasa below. Handicappers with a green circle have made a profit, whilst handicappers with a red circle have made a loss on their MMA betting predictions to date. Hover your mouse over the circle to see their exact unit profit / loss. The closer we get to the event, the more free picks we get in.

Fight Preview: Tale of the tape for Otar Tanzilov vs Josias Musasa

Fighter A
Fighter Record on Sherdog Otar Tanzilov vs Josias Musasa Fighter Record on Sherdog
Fight Weight: 135lbs
135lbs Weight 135lbs
NA inches Reach 70.1 inches
5'11" Height 5'8"
26 Age 26
Fighter B
Last Fight: (L). Lost against Josias Musasa Last Fight: (W). Beat Otar Tanzilov

Last 5 fights

Otar Tanzilov

Date Opponent   Method Rnd Odds
Sep '24 Congo Josias Musasa L Split Dec 3 @1.62
150 days since last fight

Josias Musasa

Date Opponent   Method Rnd Odds
Sep '24 Georgia Otar Tanzilov W Split Dec 3 @2.50
150 days since last fight

Betting on Otar Tanzilov vs Josias Musasa

More than 50 units profit
0 to 50 units profit
New handicapper
0 to -10 units loss
More than -10 loss

Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Otar Tanzilov vs Josias Musasa Fighter Record on Sherdog
Picking Tanzilov straight up
Wally 🪕 2u lost -2u @1.36
ct710.eth 1u lost -1u @1.59
Phunky340i 1.9u lost -1.9u @1.53
Kvothe MMA 2u lost -2u @1.55
Ceelokstah 1.5u lost -1.5u @1.56
labambasaurus 4u lost -4u @1.56
Jenny Taylia 5.4u lost -5.4u @1.56
J$ MMA 2u lost -2u @1.56
FLAMIN ACE 2u lost -2u @1.54

Picking Tanzilov as part of a parlay or prop
c0wb0y Betting straight pick @1.42
Dirty Degen straight pick @1.45
Fat Chance Phil straight pick @1.45
Mr. Krabs straight pick @1.40
Steiny straight pick @1.49
Mr. Krabs straight pick @1.46
Wally 🪕 straight pick @1.59
OW Bets straight pick @1.54
OW Bets wins in round 3 @9.50
Phunky340i straight pick @1.56
FrenchFries Betting wins inside distance @2.00
Glynn Bot5000 wins by submission @9.50
liamkerr 97 straight pick @1.55
EB MMA wins in round 2 @6.00
EB MMA wins in round 3 @10.00
EB MMA straight pick @1.59
EB MMA straight pick @1.59
MMAdude straight pick @1.54
MMAdude wins by TKO/KO @2.00
BMMA User wins by KO/TKO or Sub @1.91
sewing wins inside distance @2.15
MMA Fight Club straight pick @1.34
The Fist straight pick @1.61
MMA Fight Club straight pick @1.52
SicknTwisted92 straight pick @1.51
BMMA User straight pick @1.55
MMA Fight Club straight pick @1.52
The Fist wins by decision @6.00
BMMA User straight pick @1.54
Habe betz straight pick @1.51
Mr.Blonde wins by submission @11.00
Mr.Blonde wins by sub round 2 @29.00
Mr.Blonde wins by sub round 3 @50.99
Notorious MMA straight pick @1.60
Jedi Betting wins by decision @6.00
MMAnalyst 00 wins by TKO/KO @2.20
JonnyTrueLove wins by sub round 2 @35.00
JonnyTrueLove wins by sub round 3 @48.01
MW MMA wins in round 2 @6.00
Jackson Potts wins by TKO/KO @2.00
MW MMA wins in round 3 @10.00
zelooperz wins by (T)KO round 1 @4.50  
  Picking Musasa straight up
VB MMA Picks 2u won 4.8u @3.40
TheCouchWarrior 1u won 2.1u @3.10
JCole MMA 0.75u won 1.3u @2.75
Violence Guy 0.5u won 1.1u @3.10
Digitalpimp 0.5u won 1.0u @3.00
Glynn Bot5000 1u won 1.8u @2.80
SB 09__ 0.5u won 1.0u @3.00
1u won 1.8u @2.85
BMMA User 1u won 1.8u @2.85
Aussie FightFan 1u won 1.8u @2.85
KhabibTime 1u won 1.8u @2.80
Lunchbox 3u won 4.9u @2.65
Gus Stradamus 1u won 1.7u @2.75
Swivy Bets 0.5u won 0.8u @2.65
RoAmmA Caps 0.25u won 0.5u @2.80
Game Bets 1.5u won 2.7u @2.80
SubliminalMMA 0.5u won 0.9u @2.85
Dezroid Rutherford 2.64u won 5.0u @2.90
Pickspicksmma 1u won 1.5u @2.54
koyplova 0.55u won 1.0u @2.85
UFC Bro Picks 2.5u won 3.9u @2.55
Reach Combat 1u won 1.5u @2.55
B User 2u won 3.0u @2.50
Phunky340i 0.3u won 0.6u @3.00
SirHanceAlot 2u won 3.0u @2.50
FireUp MMACapper 0.5u won 0.8u @2.50
Kevdog G Man 0.5u won 0.8u @2.60
NS MMA18 1u won 1.5u @2.50
Big Body 0.5u won 0.8u @2.55
Buga 3u won 4.6u @2.55
Stacks Props 1u won 1.6u @2.60
Gabe YO 0.3u won 0.6u @2.85
Brown Belt Dave 1u won 1.5u @2.50
MMA Jake 0.8u won 1.2u @2.46
BMMA User 0.5u won 0.8u @2.60
Quadmft 0.65u won 1.0u @2.55
B Gon 1u won 1.5u @2.50

Picking Musasa as part of a parlay or prop
Grateful_Dude wins inside distance @3.30
MaxST MMA straight pick @2.50
Austin Swaim wins by TKO/KO @3.60
Austin Swaim wins by (T)KO round 1 @7.00
tedsbestbetsmma wins by TKO/KO @3.50
Phunky340i straight pick @2.75
Get_Ya_Cleats wins in round 2 @7.50
Get_Ya_Cleats wins in round 3 @13.00
Viljo Sports & Entertainment wins by TKO/KO @3.50
Pegasus Picks wins by TKO/KO @3.40
Pegasus Picks wins by (T)KO round 1 @7.00
Pegasus Picks wins by (T)KO round 2 @10.50
Louie Gz wins in round 1 @6.00
Louie Gz wins in round 2 @9.00
TheCouchWarrior wins in round 3 @13.00
Big Body points handicap +3.5 @2.30
Game Bets wins by (T)KO round 2 @10.50
Game Bets wins by (T)KO round 3 @18.00
Dirty Degen wins by (T)KO round 1 @5.50
Sigh Ops wins by decision @9.50
Aussie FightFan wins by TKO/KO @3.45
Aussie FightFan wins by (T)KO round 1 @6.40
Habe betz wins by TKO/KO @3.40
Hammer Bets MMA wins by TKO/KO @3.40
⭐ Green Bets wins by TKO/KO @3.50
MW MMA wins by (T)KO round 1 @6.50
Parlays and props with no winner selected
Fat Chance Phil Over 1.5 rounds @2.00
BMMA User Under 1.5 rounds @1.77
Fighting Fortune Over 1.5 rounds @2.05
Wally 🪕 Fight goes the distance @3.40
Fighting Fortune Fight goes the distance @3.40
Sawbuck MMAtips NOT Fight starts round 3 @1.66
Sawbuck MMAtips Under 1.5 rounds @1.88
VB MMA Picks Fight ends in R2 @3.90
VB MMA Picks Fight ends in R3 @7.00
Phunky340i Over 1.5 rounds @1.83
c0wb0y Betting Fight goes the distance @4.00
themmasquare Under 1.5 rounds @1.87
Glynn Bot5000 Under 1.5 rounds @1.83
FireUp MMACapper Fight doesn't go the distance @1.33
Glynn Bot5000 Fight doesn't go the distance @1.33
Glynn Bot5000 Fight doesn't go the distance @1.33
Glynn Bot5000 Fight doesn't go the distance @1.33
Glynn Bot5000 Fight doesn't go the distance @1.33
Ceelokstah Over 1.5 rounds @1.87
Ozzy P Over 1.5 rounds @1.87
MMA Fight Club Fight doesn't go the distance @1.21
MMA Fight Club Under 2.5 rounds @1.32
MMA Fight Club Fight doesn't go the distance @1.21
The Fist Over 1.5 rounds @1.81
BMMA User Over 1.5 rounds @1.95
Scott BMMA Fight ends by (T)KO @1.40
⭐ Green Bets Fight doesn't go the distance @1.40  
Fighter B
@1.62 @2.50

The rest of the Contender Series 2024: Week 5 card

Free betting tips on Contender Series 2024: Week 5
Event statistics for Contender Series 2024: Week 5

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