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Event Summary

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Invicta 45

Kansas City; 12th Jan 2022

Favourite wins: 5
Underdog wins: 1
$10 on all favourites nets: $3.04
$10 on all underdogs nets: $-22.50

Total Fight Time: 01:08:47 (Hours:Mins:Seconds)
Average Fight Time: 11:27 (Mins:Seconds)

MMA Handicapper Performance for Invicta 45

Fighter A Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog Alesha Zappitella vs Jessica Delboni Fighter Wikipedia Page Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Jessica Delboni won by decision
Picking Zappitella straight up
HD 800 0.3u lost -0.3u @2.90
pablo_has 1.42u lost -1.42u @2.90
Fight Night Bets 0.5u lost -0.5u @2.50
Mr.Blonde 1u lost -1u @2.90
KhabibTime 0.5u lost -0.5u @3.40
Phil Koss 0.5u lost -0.5u @3.50
Sparring With Reality 0.5u lost -0.5u @3.45
Baldyman MMA 0.1u lost -0.1u @3.45
T Russo 0.7u lost -0.7u @3.15
Ben 0.5u lost -0.5u @3.38
CombatOdds 2025 0.4u lost -0.4u @3.35

Picking Zappitella as part of a parlay
QGR straight pick @2.40
Luca Picks straight pick @1.64  
  Picking Delboni straight up
Dogs And Kisses 3.3u won 2.0u @1.61
Joey Jiu Jitsu 1.57u won 1.0u @1.64
King of the Casuals 5u won 2.9u @1.57
MMA Kasangguni 3u won 3.9u @2.30
T Russo 1.5u won 1.5u @2.00
BruceKO 0.5u won 0.3u @1.67
ValueBets 0.14u won 0.1u @1.61
wiilli 0.32u won 0.2u @1.61
MMA WAGERS 0.35u won 0.2u @1.69
Prodigy_MMA 1.5u won 0.7u @1.44
Aggro Sport 0.1u won 0.0u @1.44
UsmanKap Kobe 2u won 1.1u @1.57
VB MMA Picks 0.15u won 0.1u @1.44
MMA Ashpalt 0.5u won 0.2u @1.44
Grinding Eddie 3.45u won 1.5u @1.43
Black Tiger 3u won 1.3u @1.44
Luca Picks 2.5u won 1.6u @1.64
Psilocybin Skull 5u won 5.0u @2.00
Steven 3u won 1.1u @1.36

Picking Delboni as part of a parlay
Oh No straight pick @1.44
Oh No straight pick @1.44
LSVBETMACHINE straight pick @1.60
Ghost- of -Lobov straight pick @1.61
BruceKO straight pick @1.67
Real Deal MMA straight pick @1.44
TopNotchBets straight pick @1.61
TopNotchBets straight pick @1.61
Diamond Picks straight pick @1.36
Oh No straight pick @1.44
Oh No straight pick @1.44
Fighter B
@3.60 @1.36
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Shamir Peshewa vs Ramona Pascual Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Ramona Pascual won by KO / TKO at 1:0 of round 1
Picking Peshewa straight up
Baldyman MMA 0.1u lost -0.1u @5.70

Picking Peshewa as part of a parlay
MMAPREDICTIONGURU straight pick @1.22  
  Picking Pascual straight up
Mr.Blonde 1.6u won 0.8u @1.50
Aggro Sport 0.1u won 0.0u @1.25
ZeesMMA 5u won 1.3u @1.25
BlockBet 5u won 1.2u @1.24
Jayden Fisher 4u won 1.0u @1.25
VB MMA Picks 0.12u won 0.0u @1.25
Luca Picks 2.5u won 0.6u @1.24
King of the Casuals 5u won 0.8u @1.17

Picking Pascual as part of a parlay
Oh No straight pick @1.21
straight pick @1.24
straight pick @1.24
Ghost- of -Lobov straight pick @1.29
TopNotchBets straight pick @1.25
TopNotchBets straight pick @1.25
Joey Jiu Jitsu straight pick @1.24
Diamond Picks straight pick @1.17
💰🍯 Jack Attack MMA 🍯💰 straight pick @1.25
MMA Ashpalt straight pick @1.25
Oh No straight pick @1.21
Oh No straight pick @1.21
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.22
Luca Picks straight pick @1.24
Oh No straight pick @1.21
CombatOdds 2025 straight pick @1.15
Fighter B
@7.75 @1.14
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Monica Franco vs Hailey Cowan Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Hailey Cowan won by submission at 3:17 of round 2
Picking Franco straight up
pablo_has 1.05u lost -1.05u @3.40
LSVBETMACHINE 3u lost -3u @3.55
ValueBets 0.12u lost -0.12u @1.40  
  Picking Cowan straight up
BMMA User 1.5u won 0.5u @1.34
Joey Jiu Jitsu 2.45u won 1.0u @1.41
GregBets _MMA 6u won 2.4u @1.40
Fight Night Bets 1.5u won 0.6u @1.40
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1u won 0.4u @1.44
Aggro Sport 0.1u won 0.0u @1.37
VB MMA Picks 0.1u won 0.0u @1.38
MMA Ashpalt 0.5u won 0.2u @1.36
UsmanKap Kobe 3u won 1.2u @1.40
Luca Picks 1.5u won 0.6u @1.41
King of the Casuals 5u won 1.7u @1.33

Picking Cowan as part of a parlay
QGR straight pick @1.40
Fight Night Bets straight pick @1.40
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.44
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.44
Ghost- of -Lobov straight pick @1.36
wiilli straight pick @1.42
BruceKO straight pick @1.36
BruceKO straight pick @1.36
Fight Night Bets straight pick @1.36
TopNotchBets straight pick @1.36
Marlo Stanfield TBE straight pick @1.36
💰🍯 Jack Attack MMA 🍯💰 straight pick @1.36
Oh No straight pick @1.34
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.33
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.33
Oh No straight pick @1.34
mma tracker straight pick @1.33
CombatOdds 2025 straight pick @1.32
Fighter B
@3.60 @1.32
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Sarah Kleczka vs Maria Favela Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Sarah Kleczka won by decision
Picking Kleczka straight up
King of the Casuals 5u won 13.7u @3.75
Fight Night Bets 0.5u won 1.3u @3.50

Picking Kleczka as part of a parlay
straight pick @3.75
straight pick @3.75  
  Picking Favela straight up
Prodigy_MMA 2u lost -2u @1.27
ValueBets 0.77u lost -0.77u @1.29
Aggro Sport 0.1u lost -0.1u @1.30
ZeesMMA 5u lost -5u @1.30
Jayden Fisher 3.5u lost -3.5u @1.33
VB MMA Picks 0.1u lost -0.1u @1.33
BMMA User 1.55u lost -1.55u @1.33
Luca Picks 1.5u lost -1.5u @1.30

Picking Favela as part of a parlay
Oh No straight pick @1.33
MMAPREDICTIONGURU straight pick @1.30
BruceKO straight pick @1.31
BruceKO straight pick @1.31
straight pick @1.33
Real Deal MMA straight pick @1.25
Joey Jiu Jitsu straight pick @1.33
💰🍯 Jack Attack MMA 🍯💰 straight pick @1.25
Duck Phillips 🦆 straight pick @1.32
MMA Ashpalt straight pick @1.25
mma tracker straight pick @1.29
CombatOdds 2025 straight pick @1.34
Parlays with no winner selected
LSVBETMACHINE Over 2.5 rounds @1.50
Fighter B
@3.75 @1.36
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Katie Saull vs Tamika Jones Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Katie Saull won by submission at 4:30 of round 1
Picking Saull straight up
Mr.Blonde 1u won 0.8u @1.80
King of the Casuals 5u won 1.8u @1.36
VB MMA Picks 1u won 0.3u @1.33
Luca Picks 1u won 0.8u @1.80

Picking Saull as part of a parlay
Ghost- of -Lobov straight pick @1.36
Oh No straight pick @1.33  
  Picking Jones straight up
CombatOdds 2025 0.4u lost -0.4u @3.60

Picking Jones as part of a parlay
Oh No straight pick @1.33
Fighter B
@1.33 @3.80
Fighter A Fighter Record on Sherdog Elise Pone vs Helen Peralta Fighter Record on Sherdog
Result: Helen Peralta won by decision
Picking Pone straight up
ValueBets 0.1u lost -0.1u @1.26
Baldyman MMA 0.1u lost -0.1u @6.25
VB MMA Picks 0.2u lost -0.2u @6.00  
  Picking Peralta straight up
Fight Night Bets 1u won 0.3u @1.25
Mr.Blonde 1.6u won 0.7u @1.44
Luca Picks 2.5u won 1.1u @1.44

Picking Peralta as part of a parlay
MMAPREDICTIONGURU straight pick @1.14
wiilli straight pick @1.20
QGR straight pick @1.25
Fight Night Bets straight pick @1.25
Diamond Picks straight pick @1.13
Oh No straight pick @1.15
Oh No straight pick @1.15
MMA WAGERS straight pick @1.14
Luca Picks straight pick @1.44
Oh No straight pick @1.15
Parlays with no winner selected
LSVBETMACHINE Over 1.5 rounds @1.80
Fighter B
@7.50 @1.14

Overall bet winnings / losses for Invicta 45

Handicapper Picks Right Units Bet Units Won ROI %  
LSVBETMACHINE 3 2 13.0 8.0 62%
💰🍯 Jack Attack MMA 🍯💰 1 0 2.0 -2.0 -100%
VB MMA Picks 6 4 1.7 0.2 10%
Fight Night Bets 7 6 8.8 4.1 46%
Marlo Stanfield TBE 1 1 1.0 0.4 44%
Mr.Blonde 4 3 5.2 1.3 25%
KhabibTime 1 0 0.5 -0.5 -100%
Real Deal MMA 1 0 2.5 -2.5 -100%
MMAPREDICTIONGURU 1 0 3.0 -3.0 -100%
Joey Jiu Jitsu 3 2 7.0 -1.0 -14%
Prodigy_MMA 2 1 3.5 -1.3 -38%
ValueBets 4 1 1.1 -0.9 -80%
Sparring With Reality 1 0 0.5 -0.5 -100%
Baldyman MMA 3 0 0.3 -0.3 -100%
Dogs And Kisses 1 1 3.3 2.0 61%
Duck Phillips 🦆 1 0 0.5 -0.5 -100%
MMA WAGERS 3 3 1.2 0.7 61%
T Russo 2 1 2.2 0.8 36%
Ghost- of -Lobov 2 2 2.0 1.9 97%
King of the Casuals 5 5 25.0 20.9 84%
mma tracker 1 0 3.0 -3.0 -100%
Psilocybin Skull 1 1 5.0 5.0 100%
BlockBet 1 1 5.0 1.2 24%
Phil Koss 1 0 0.5 -0.5 -100%
Diamond Picks 1 1 1.0 0.8 79%
ZeesMMA 2 1 10.0 -3.8 -38%
BMMA User 2 1 3.1 -1.0 -34%
Luca Picks 7 5 13.5 1.2 9%
Black Tiger 1 1 3.0 1.3 44%
GregBets _MMA 1 1 6.0 2.4 40%
HD 800 1 0 0.3 -0.3 -100%
CombatOdds 2025 3 0 1.8 -1.8 -100%
UsmanKap Kobe 2 2 5.0 2.3 47%
Jayden Fisher 2 1 7.5 -2.5 -33%
MMA Ashpalt 3 2 1.5 -0.1 -7%
TopNotchBets 2 2 11.0 17.1 155%
pablo_has 2 0 2.5 -2.5 -100%
Grinding Eddie 1 1 3.5 1.5 43%
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